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[Third Person]


                        "So, have you figured out more about the spell that has been placed on Lupine's bloodline, and  what we must do to lift it?"

As I've said before It's possible to lift the spell, and yes I've figure out how. The victim of the spell would have to die, in which they would be transfer to a plan on the in the depths of their mind. Where they themselves have to figure out how to rid themselves of the spell. But there is no guarantee of how long it will take or if said person will come back to life if they succeed. There is a lot of dangers involved with trying to break this spell and it practically impossible if you think about the consequences and risks of the situation. So are you sure you want to do this headmaster?"

"Yes." Vince said calmly. "I just have this feel, This feel that, this child will be vital for what's to come. Or should I say, who's to come. Someone's playing a very dangerous game, and they're trying to get us to play by their rules. But I have a feeling that this person hasn't taken into count for someone like Lupine. Lupine's our ace , and if played  right, he could possibly destroy the entire game and even turn things in our favor."

"Hmm...well let's hope you're right headmaster." The women looked the headmaster in the eyes, as he let out a nervous breath. "Shall we get started then, we have a lot of preparation to make. We need a few things in order to make sure, when the boy dies instead of his soul leaving his body, he has to travel down to the very depths of his unconscious mind. Which is very dangerous, because an unconscious and unfocused mind is a very dangerous mind especially when you doing such as thing as mind jumping."


"Where am I?" 9 different voices spoke at the same time. All 9 of them sat up dusting snow off their bodies.

"Why are we all here?" Lupine asked.

"I don't know. Are you hurt?" True asked.

"No, I'm alright. And I don't remember how I got here. I just remember waking up from a nightmare about the regec—umm...I mean I remember waking up and hearing whispers, and then a few seconds later Kyle and Tristin sat up from their beds. They looked like they were under a spell, and then my head suddenly became heavy, and then everything went black."

"That happened to me too." Tessa said. "I was reading a book, when suddenly Krystal and Sora woke up, and then everything went black."

"That's strange as hell. What the fuck is going on?" Krystal said, as she looked around.

Lupine stood from his spot in the snow, he placed a hand again a tree, holding on so he wouldn't fall. His vision was slightly blurry, and his head hurt quite a bit. But not as bad as it normally would, but it did help that he wasn't thinking about the rejection at this very moment. Right now he was more worried about where they were and how they got there?

"We can worry about what happened later." Asher spoke up, eyeing Lupine with worry. He was just now noticing how unhealthy and pale he looked.

"He's right." Lupine spoke. Before starting to fall to the ground.

"Lupine!" True rushed over towards him, catching him before he completely fell to the ground. "Are you alright."

"Yeah." Lupine said, ignoring the spark that rushed through his body. "We don't have time for this, we have to figure out where we are and hurry back to camp before day break."

"Lupine's right." Kyle spoke up. "If we stay here too long, we might not make it back before the sun rise. And if they find out about us leaving camp, regardless of how we left. They're gonna take our training to the extreme. So let's hurry and leave."

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