Chapter 39 - Untrustworthy

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The creator placed her hand on the cold wood of the nearby house, supporting herself to maintain stability. Her breath calmed down once she finally arrived at the town at midnight.

She knew that she needed to tidy herself up, as she was quite messy. After finally managing to escape from the Eternal Afiat, she was aware that there was a possibility that the entire Immortal Society would pursue her life. Therefore, she intended to return to Sarah and Mocha first.

She stood there, her tank top soaked with sweat and stained with blood, the wound on her arm from Sylvia's laser still throbbing with pain. Felicia knew that the injury needed immediate attention. A bandage once again formed on her palm. She wrapped it carefully around the wound, taking care not to cause any further damage to her unhealing body. As she worked, she couldn't help but worry about what Sarah would say when she saw the bandage.

The night was a beautiful sight, finally something that soothed Felicia. The sky above was filled with numerous twinkling stars that shone brightly, casting a serene and peaceful glow over the town. The town itself was alive with activity, as lanterns and fires lit up the streets, illuminating the faces of the people that walked by. They were finally able to let go of their fears and enjoy the moment on this comforting night. The children were especially excited and were singing and dancing along with the traditions of their culture, filling the air with joy and laughter.

That moment filled Felicia's heart with warmth and happiness as she watched the wholesome event unfolding in the town she had created. She felt a sense of pride to see her town come alive with the sound of instruments and laughter, and she knew that the people who lived there were happy and content.

Felicia's pale lips formed into a smile, and her fingers snapped to tidy herself up.

Felicia's black shirt was a perfect fit, hugging her muscles in all the right places after she formed it above her dry tank top which she instantly drained. The once loosened ribbon was now tightened with the pin around her collar, flowing finely above the white waistcoat.

As she prepared to walk further, Felicia decided to wear her white jacket, the one she always wore on duty. She draped it over her shoulder, giving the impression that she was attending a formal meeting at the Eternal Afiat. The jacket's crisp lines and clean look added to the formality of the outfit, making Felicia look every bit the professional she was. Trying to conceal the fact that she created a disturbance in the metropolis of her kind.

As she walked through the town, she held her head high. People greeted her as she passed, and the creator returned with a small smile and a nod. Despite the pain from her wound, she continued on her way to reunite with her long-lost best friend and unrequited love.

Her eyes scanned the town, moving from person to person, hoping to catch a glimpse of them. However, all she could see was confusion on the faces of the people around her. They seemed to be unaware of the whereabouts of the two individuals she was searching for.

As she stood there, a knot began to form in her stomach. Her heart thumped hard, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that something terrible might have happened to them. Her mind raced with possibilities, but she couldn't bring herself to imagine the worst-case scenario. All she knew was that she had to find them, no matter what.

Maybe her suggestion to leave them alone was a bad idea, the creator thought.

As the night sky wrapped its comforting cold veil around them, Sarah rushed towards Felicia with a look of fear etched on her face. Without a moment's hesitation, Felicia opened her arms wide and caught Sarah as she crashed into her embrace. The warmth of Felicia's embrace enveloped Sarah, calming her racing heart as she took refuge in Felicia's comforting presence.

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