Chapter 40 - Drunken Cat

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"They have... catnip tea. " Sarah spoke from behind.

"Oh, crap."

Felicia felt a shudder running down her spine, but not in pure fear. The creator cursed in her mind. No wonder the naive, clumsy traveler was now romantically affectionate towards Felicia.

"He was high on catnip."

"Felicia... you're so strong~ Carry me!" The drunken werecat whined. He climbed himself to Felicia like a mountain. His clawed hand held Felicia's wounded arm, causing the creator to wince in pain. His retractable sharp nails, only blunted by the layers of her clothes dug into the fresh wound.

"Felicia? Are you alright?" Sarah approached nearer.

"No, I- I am fine..." She stuttered.

The creator's heart was racing, and her palms were sweaty as she felt the weight of the situation bearing down on her. The presence of a clingy traveler had been bothering her, and Sarah's sudden vigil was making her feel more exposed than ever. To make matters worse, she knew that the Immortal Society was now watching her every move, and any misstep could mean disaster.

What if Sarah knew that she had beaten up her boyfriend, the chief of Security for her kind? 

What if Mocha knew that she had made a fuss in the Eternal Afiat? 

Will she shatter if from of people in this bar, in the town she had built with her bare hands?

What if Sylvia found out about Sarah's collusion?

 The creator's mind raced as she imagined the consequences. On the other thought, she knew that Sylvia would show no mercy and that Mocha could get caught in the crossfire for being by her side only. The creator was desperate for a way out of this mess, but she knew that there was no easy solution.

"Mocha get off from me, this is inappropriate!" Felicia hissed, putting the drunk cat on his feet. But it didn't stop the small man from embracing her once again.

"No! I want you!~"

Despite her doubts, Felicia couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope that maybe, just maybe, Mocha really did miss her. And maybe, that was enough for everything to change for good. She tried to remind her that his affections were not real, and that it was just a side effect of what catnip does to a cat.

"Everyone!- Felicia here is so strong you know? And she's so generous-" He hiccuped. "too! She let me live rent-free in her big, big mansion!" Mocha turned his drunken gaze to the people, waving their hands to seize the bar's attention.

The people gasped in awe, seeing Mocha's eagerness in his sudden storytelling. The people seemed to play along with Mocha's drunken act. They find it wholesome and adorable, much to Felicia's shock because the creator would have thought the people would get disgusted.

In that moment too, Felicia was completely surprised and caught off guard by the unexpected display of confidence from the werecat. He suddenly began sharing their personal story with everyone present, causing a wave of emotions to wash over Felicia. Not to mention she felt extremely ashamed by his behaviour. "Please shut up." She begged.

"Although s-she tried to kill me at fffirst, she is actually nice!" The werecat grabbed another pint glass of the catnip tea, chugging it down on his throat.

"Mocha! Enough! How many did he have?!" Yelled Felicia.

"Probably like... 4 cups of em..." The bartender snorted.

Felicia pinched the bridge of her nose, distressed. She was relieved that he wasn't drugged by the town nor something bad happened to him, but it did not stop her from feeling uncomfortable returning home from a battle to a drunken Mocha.

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