Chapter 15

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"Little man! Come on in, you guys. Allie's setting up just dance on the switch."

Cam hollers, Liam grinning happily, his hands pumping by his sides as he runs into Noah and Allie's apartment, chasing after Cam.

Allie invited me to a team potluck tonight being held at her place so since I had nothing planned for dinner and Liam was bored out of his mind, we came.

I wave the brownies I made in my hand. "Where can I put these?"

Kyla floats over to me in a blue sundress, her hair in perfect locks around her face.

"Hey! I'm really glad you're here. It's nice to have another girl around. Being surrounded by hockey players gets exhausting."

She huffs, guiding us to the kitchen where everyone's chatting and drinking.

I can barely keep my jaw off the ground as I look around the apartment.

It's massive. The kitchen is huge, the island crowded by over a dozen hockey players. The walls are white, huge windows letting light flood into the living room connected by the kitchen.

It's definitely Allie and Noah's apartment, Allie's personality shining through with all the quirky colours and photos of everyone on the walls.

There's a picture of Rhys and Allie, the hockey team along with photos of Allie competing and, of course, Noah and Allie.

"Wow." I breathe. Kyla chuckles beside me, glancing around.

"Yeah, it's crazy. The whole team fits in here and there's only two people living here." She snorts.

"But neither of them work?" My nose scrunches as I try to figure out of they could afford a place like this.

Kyla points to a photo of Allie at the...Olympics. "Canada pays her to do gymnastics. And since she's on a full ride scholarship, she doesn't pay a dime to the college for education. Noah gets money from hockey as well."

Damn. That's one athletic couple.

I mingle in the kitchen before I find a beer, heading over to the oversized couch, watching Liam flail his body in front of the TV as Cam and Rhys dominate his butt in Just Dance.

Allie sits with her legs on Noah, her one ankle propped up on pillows while he massages her knee before placing a black knee brace on.

I scrunch my face. "Is that a sex thing? If so, count me in."

Allie laughs while Noah looks like he's about to shoot me.

Do it, I dare him, raising my brow.

He raises one back as if to say, I would if I could.

"No, just a stabilizer. I've torn both my ACL and MCL multiple times in that knee."


"I take it back. Count me out."

Liam flops on the floor dramatically, his chest heaving up and down heavily. Rhys crouches down beside him, poking his arm.

"Are you all danced out?" Rhys asks.

Liam groans in response, which has most of us snickering.

"Would dinner help? Your sister made brownies for dessert." Allie asks Liam from where she lays on the couch, bags almost bigger than mine sitting under her eyes.

Liam perks up from Allie's attention, a blush covering his little nose. His first crush.

"Yes! Come on! We'll sit together!" He shouts, running to the large dining table and plopping himself on one of the seats, patiently waiting for Allie.

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