Chapter 16

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"Do you think we should pick up something for Al?" Cam asks from the back of my truck, his duffel on the seat beside him.

Mike drums his fingers along his chin. "Mhm. What about ice cream? There's nothing wrong with ice cream."

Cam and I nod our agreement so I find a DQ and we get blizzards for ourselves, along for Al.

Noah asked the three of us to keep Allie company for a while tonight, especially since she's not moving around a whole lot right now while he goes and has dinner with his agent.

"Ohmygod. I forgot how good this shit is." Cam shoves another heavy spoonful into his mouth, melting into his seat with a content sigh, Mike eyeing him from the front like he's grown another dick.

Maybe he has.

When we arrive, Cam can't seem to keep his energy contained anymore, banging loudly on the front door. "Allie! Your best friend is here!"

Mike gasps, hurt flooding his features. "I thought I was your best friend."

Cam gives him a once-over. "Nah. You place top three, though."

Mike thinks about it, then nods when he realizes he's okay with that.

Instead of Allie's face, we get Noah's grumpy one, frowning at us like we just told him his hamster died.

"Look, it's dumb, dumber and asswipe." Noah says, pointing at myself, Mike and Cam.

"Ha! Cam's asswipe!" I laugh.

Cam boos. "Are you sure you want people coming over to your home and then having someone greet them with a face like that?"

Cam shoves his finger in Noah's pinched face, poking his nose until Noah slaps his hand away.

Noah looks fucking bored. "Har har. I'm dying from laughter."

He's not.

Cam grins, wagging his eyebrows at our captain. "I just want to see those pearly whites of yours."

"Please? It would make my heart whole once again." Mike sways, gripping his shirt with a dreamy look on his face.

Noah gags. "I'd be surprised if you even had half a heart to start with."

Mike stomps his foot, glaring at him like Liam does whenever Noah steals Allie away.

Noah shifts, glancing behind him. "Look, I got to get going. Just text me if she falls asleep and if she shows any sign of panic attacks. Please."

Mike nods. Cam salutes him. "Yes, Captain."

Noah sighs with exhaustion, shaking his head as he steps back inside. He checks Allie's ankle and brushes loose hair away from her face, kissing her softly before leaving.

"Allie! I missed you." Cam sits beside her, handing her the ice cream before propping his feet up on her table, laying his head down.

"You saw me yesterday, Cam. I don't know why Noah asked you guys to come babysit me. I'm fine by myself." Allie huffs, normally jumping right into gossiping with Cam but today she seems off.

"Because we love you and Capt knew I had some good tea to tell you." He wags his brows, ice cream all over his face.

Allie perks up slightly at that, curiously gazing at him but she remains quiet.

She fiddles with her hands, a small salad sitting on her lap. "Do-do you guys actually want to be here? If I being to attached, just tell me. I didn't realized I followed you guys everywhere like a puppy. I thought I was just being your friend." She whispers to the blanket, her head hanging.

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