❄️Going After The Wrong Guy❄️

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Creativity:15 /15

OK, when it comes to the story, the way that the characters and the creativity is in this story, it is so your bad boy story. But it has a twist to it because at the end of the day, the twists are what get us through the story. And let me tell you the twist for this does not disappoint the way that the author does it is so unique when it comes to the bad boy scenario.. The creativity is just amazing.

Originality: 10/15

I'm not saying that this 100% original story telling because I've read a lot of bad boy, bad girl type stories. But I can say that the weather the author is doing the story and representing the story is definitely different. and being different, I can appreciate as a whole because it shows that they're going a different way with it instead of making it the. bad boy, good girl falls in love with him. Yadda yadda yadda type thing.

Storytelling: 15/15

I just enjoyed the storytelling because it's that beautifulness of the storytelling, but it's also sad because it's like, you know that she's gonna end up getting her heartbroken on top of, you know, that he's playing a game that he probably shouldn't play. I also don't like the roommate at all. I find that the roommate is a real asshole But at the end of the day, I think his whole thing is jealousy and that's all it is. At the end of the day, the way that the author does tell the story, I feel like it's like you're in high school or college and you're just watching life unfold through their. eyes.

Character: 15/15

The character development is definitely there. The way that the characters are and the way that everything comes together is beautiful, but also I'm not a big fan of the main character. I think he's Horrible human beings, the way that she does things. but that said, the way that the author portrays him and the way that the author does him is perfect because you have the girl that is very talented, very brilliant, very herself. And then you have the guy that is in a way egotistic. And because he's egotistic, he wants everything to go his way, but she won't let it.

Story Flows: 15/15

I didn't see anything wrong when it came to the story. I did not see any sentenstructural errors. I did not see any flow that did not sound right. I didn't detect any sentences that were out of place or that should be changed. Everything brands smoothly and sounded. Great.

Cover Design: 10/15

I don't hate to suffer, but I'm not a big fan of cover. I feel that there could be a better cover for it, but for what it's worth and the way the story represents itself, I find that the cover and the story are OK together, but they're not perfect together.

Final Thoughts: 10/10

When it comes down to it, I and unique in their own weird way. think the way that the author has represented the book and the way that the author has represented the story. it's very beautiful. I think the presentation of the story and everything that represents the story and the storyline is done very well and I cannot wait to see what they have when it comes to these two characters. These characters are definitely different

Chapters I read:3

Total points:90

Summary of the book:

[COMPLETE] Genesis Munroe, a virtuoso college freshman has always been the shy type, the good girl, the smart kid who sat in the back of class and practiced classical piano after school. So rooming with a male was something different. She came to college for an experience, a search for something new, but her roommate, James du Bellay doesn't talk directly to her and instead leaves passive-aggressive notes on the door. He puts his stuff on her side of the room, shuts her out of the room, and ignores her. Well, he ignored her until she auditioned for the music team where he was the president. He wanted to deny how good she was, and he didn't care, until he found out he was staring straight at his competition. She had a 5.8 GPA, and she took piano classes for fun, while he took it out of necessity. She was a threat to the palaces he had built at his school and he needed her gone. In the coming day, James finds out that Genesis is in love with his best friend Chad Douglas, a snobbish self-proclaimed alpha male vlogger. So he takes advantage of her obsession. James agrees to teach Genesis how to make Chad fall in love with her, and he gets to watch Chad break her heart so she leaves this school crying (but Genesis doesn't need to know that). He needs her gone. Or he thinks he does. Wait, damn was she always this hot? Is it the short dress he just bought for her, or is it just her? Wait, what was his goal again? Oh right, he needs her gone, pronto.* mature because of cursing and sexual scenes *


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they can not be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.


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