Chapter 9

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Megatron and Optimus lay next to each other breathing hard, there cooling vents working hard. Megatron looks over at Optimus with a large grin on his face and Optimus looks away blushing hard. "That was a lot better then I remember" Megatron said with a smug hint in his tone. Optimus glares at him as he slowly sits up.

"Be quite you scrap" Megatron chucked and say up next to Optimus. Optimus glares at Megatron as he sits up next to him, but he soon relaxed as he felt Megatrons helm on his shoulder. Volt was still surprisingly asleep even after all the noise they had made.

"You know Optimus once I tell my bots about us ending the war I have a feeling that Starscream will go against my orders and just take over being leader" Megatron said voicing his worries to Optimus. He gave a small nod knowing that what Megatron was saying is probably true. "Well together we are a lot stronger then him and he'll soon realize that and most likely give up"

Megatron nodded as he grabbed Optimus servo into his and started to trace the marks on his hand. Optimus smiled slightly at this and thought it was cute. "How about this, you come back with me and Volt rest up and we'll figure things out after that" Megatron thought about it for a bit keeping Optimus servo in his.

Once he made up his mind he gave Optimus servo a small squeeze with a smile. "That sounds like a good idea" Megatron looked at him and gave him a small kiss on the check before he got up and went to pick up Volt. Optimus also got up but a lot slower from his aft being sore. Megatron had to stop himself from laughing at seeing this.

"Ratchet I need a ground bridge to my cordnest" Optimus said over his com link, he glanced at Megatron and saw Volt in his arms still deep in recharge. A few seconds later the ground bridge opened in front of them and they walked threw. Everyone greeted Optimus but as soon as Megatron walked threw with the sparkling in his arms all there guns where pointed at him. "What is he here?!" Arcee snarled walking a little closer, Ultra Magnus stoped her from going any closer.

"Lower your weapons, we talked and have disused that it was best to end this war. It's been going on for to long" Everyone except Megatron and Optimus let out a shocked gasp and looked at them both. "So after all the deaths he has caused you forgive him this easy and even show him where the base is located?!" Arcee said getting louder and louder.

Optimus was tired and just wanted a recharge, but he tried his best to keep his temper in check. "Arcee I completely understand your worries, but we will all make sure that he is watched and that he will not be let out of the base other then the ground bridge" Arcee still didn't seem to like this answer. "That doesn't make up for all the deaths he has cause" The war lord let out a soft growl almost telling her to watch what she says, but she didn't seem to care much.

But this was Optimus last straw, he was tired and he no energy to deal with her right now. "Arcee enough" Him snapping at her seemed to quite her and apparently the others as well. "He will be closely monitored and if he makes one wrong move there will be serious consequences" Arcee still wasn't a fan but she stayed quite now. From all the yelling Volt woke up from recharge and looked up at Megatron with his red and blue optics.

Megatrons expressions softened a bit, and The gray and red sparkling grabbed onto one of Megatrons digest and started to play with it. The autobots all tensed up not realizing Megatron had the sparkling, but they where also quite surprised when they saw how gentle he was being. They had seen him kill so many sparklings so they where quite confused to why he was being so gentle with this one.

"We'll be in my berthroom in you need me" Optimus said with a grumble as he walked past them all and down the hall. All the autobots and the kids eyes where on Megatron and he walked by. They didn't trust him one bit. Miko let of a sign once they where out of sight.

"Why was Megatron being so gentle with the sparkling, and why did he seem so calm and nice?!" Miko asked/shouted voicing all the bots confusion. Ratchet shrugged along with Ultra Magnus. "That's a question we are all wondering right now" Ultra Magnus said before walking to Ratchet. All the bots went there separate ways but they all had the same thing on there minds.

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