❄️The LoveYou Gave Me❄️

85 6 7

Creativity: 15/15

This was so beautiful but so creative. And let me tell you why it was creative. The way that the author did the story was a story, but it was a story. That was memorable. It was. a story that would bring you to tears. But also a story that made you reflect on how beautiful life is and to never take anyone for granted.

Originality: 15/15

I don't think I've ever read a story so beautiful and so different than I did with this one. This one made me want to cry because it was so sentimental and so personal. it really got to me. And the reason is that I've had something similar to this, except I didn't get letters or anything like that. But I had a grandmother who passed away from cancer, and to read a story like this and how this girl went through life without her mother. I was. fortunate. My grandmother passed away when I was. 19. But she never got to see me grow up and become the woman I am today. So, the way that they often did it was so original because of it. really hits you as a person that's gone through something similar to this. But it was. so gorgeous.

Storytelling: 15/15

The storytelling. was that of a child. You can definitely tell that from reading it. It wasn't like a normal type of storytelling. It was definitely that of a child. but I think that's what makes it more personal and makes it more able to connect with the audience.

Character: 15/15

There was only one character. the character you get to see grow up in the blink of an eye in front of your face, and you see her go through all stages of life, not just all stages of life, but also all the struggles and everything. But as she's going through all these stages of life, she's also reading all these letters. So it's like she's walking with her mother in these stages of life. And it's beautiful.

Story Flows:10 /15

I will say that the story does need to be edited. There are a lot of grammar errors, and some of the sentences do not flow. There was too much to take snippets up to shell, but a lot of editing needs to be done besides that. The story was beautiful.

Cover Design: 15/15

I love love love love love love love to cover. the cover in the story belonged together. They are extraordinary.

Final Thoughts: 10/10

At the end of the day, the story is a very beautiful story. They ought to be very proud of the story that they have created, even though it's one chapter. It's a short story, but it is a short story that has so much meaning and so much emotion behind it that anybody who reads it would love it. I know that I did, and it hit me in a way that I wasn't sure it could, but it had such a big impact on me because I've been through something similar to this, but at the same time, it was beautiful. You got to see this little girl grow into this beautiful adult. And then, at the end of her life, she gets to see her mother again. And she would choose her again in her new life. And that. to me, is phenomenal. It's such an extraordinary story. The author should be really proud. I feel like stories like this one deserve an award. And if I could give out awards for doing reviews, I would do it because there are a lot of books that deserve it. But I don't know how to do it.

Chapters I read:3

Total points:95

Summary of the book:

Aaruhi lost her mother when she was 8 . But on her death bed when she looked back at her life she find out that even though her mother was not with her physically but she could still fell her presence in every step of her life . As if her life was a staircase , when she stumbles on a step her mother will be there to hold her ....to help her stand again ...to help her regain strength-------------------------------------------------Aaruhi :- all that I am or ever hope to be I own it to you maa... Miss you ! " Wish you a life long happiness free of worries my dear daughter . "


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