Chilling With the Bro's! (Pen x Eraser x Blocky)

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AUTHORS NOTE: I won't say why I am saying this because it will spoil the main plot of the Oneshot, but I will say it anyway! In case you don't know, The Nightly Manor is a Object Show that I used for this Oneshot, and it was made by Allenimations! (I think I spelled it right 🥲) go check out their channel!

~Eraser POV~

Finally, I get to hang out with the bros. It's been a while since Pen and I last saw Blocky, after not going with Two. But ever since BFB ended, we wanted to plan a trip just for the three of us!

Pen did ask Snowball if he wanted to join, but he was busy hanging out with Basketball and Grassy. Something about fixing Robot Flower or something like that.

Also I was going to ask Coiny if he wanted to join in as well, but he got eliminated from TPOT so I don't know how he would be able to join. I don't even know where he is!

Anyway, we pull up into the movie theater parking lot in Pen's blue car. Honestly, his car was the only one out of the three that didn't have a scratch...or a dent like Blocky's truck.

Seriously, I have no idea how he broke his bumper and his side view mirror, but he had to somehow.

I get out of the backseat while Pen pulls his keys out of his car. Blocky comes out right after I do and immediately starts walking towards the cinema. "Yeah! I am so pumped for this!" Blocky raises his fist in the air.

"You will be, that is...if you won't get scared." Pen teases Blocky after locking his car and putting the keys in his jacket. Blocky immediately laughs that off and pretends to wipe a tear from his eye, "Me *scoff* scared of a movie!? C'mon, I wasn't  scared of the 'zombie apocalypse' Eraser told me about!"

I turn over to look at Blocky and playfully punch him in the arm, "But you did get grossed out, you almost threw up in front of Woody when I told you!" I could hear Pen hold in a laugh right after I let that sentence slide.

"Anyone would be grossed out at vomit covered steak, you can't blame me!" Blocky attempts to make up a comeback, but I could tell he was embarrassed at my remark.

While we were about to go inside the movie theater, I take a quick look at my watch. The movie started at 9:00pm, and right now it was 8:54pm. Right on time, and early!

Right after we get our snacks and drinks, we go towards a room that says 'B-36, SHOWING: The Nightly Manor' above the door.

We go inside, and are met with rows of seats. Thankfully, no one else was there. We got the whole theater to ourselves!

All of us find our seats, in the front row of the middle section of seats. Each and every one very comfortable, and with a cup holder!

I'll explain what we all had. Pen had Nachos and a diet soda, I had a red slush drink and a large pack of M&M's, and Blocky had a large bag of buttered popcorn.

"Man, this is going to be awesome!" Pen says before eating one of his nachos. I have to agree, I have been waiting to see 'The Nightly Manor' for a while now, and I get to see it with my best bros!

All of a sudden, the lights around the theater dim showing that the movie was starting. I didn't think we were too late, but at least we got to see the movie in time.

Most of the movie was pretty great, each frame had lots of detail! I felt like each frame could be a painting, but I bet that was just me.

Blocky had already finished his popcorn ten minutes into the movie (me fr), I had rated half of my M&M's, and Pen had choked on one of his nachos five minutes into the movie.

Somehow he was fine! I gotta say, I am impressed he didn't have to take a drink.

Looking at the movie screen, three of the main characters were walking together...until...

An arrow shot throw one of their heads!!

I was flabbergasted at how fast that had happened, Blocky was on the edge of his seat, and Pen had...screamed.

"AAAHHH OH MY GOSH!!" Pen backs up in his seat totally surprised at what had just happened in the movie. It caused both Blocky and I to turn and look, "Bro, you okay? We can leave if-" I start to reassure the best way I can but get interrupted.

"No, no I'm fine! That was just surprising to me!" Pen sinks back in his chair still taking in what had just happened. I think he was telling the truth, he does get easily surprised but if anyone was the scaredy-cat it was Blocky-he got scared of a seagull ten feet away from him.

Blocky speaks up in the conversation, "It is surprising to see someone get hit with an arrow, but that would never happen in real li-oh right, it did." We all laugh at the last statement, even though we shouldn't have. But it was funny!

"At least we have recovery centers!" I speak up, and it caused us all to burst out laughing.

I don't regret, ANY of last night. It was fun!

And hilarious! 😂
Sorry it has been a while, I had to do some work on other projects. I really appreciate your patience on the Oneshots! This one was not a request, I just felt like doing this trio :). Anyway, I hoped you enjoyed the Oneshot after waiting so long, and as always...

Until next time!

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