(Requested) Signs of Gratitude...or Love? (4 x X)

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~Four POV~

Another bland day at the pillar-y ruins, with the contestants doing their own thing. Without Leafy and Firey, things weren't really that different. Sure, some of the others missed them and reminisced from time to time, but who doesn't! It's life!

I was minding my own business, leaving the temple after looking at some of the rooms. I was just bored, I needed someone to hang out with. Oh right, X!

But, I am pretty sure X has been at the beach all day seeing if Leafy and Firey would come back any time soon. It reminds me of the time X waited for me when I was absorbed into the ground at the end of BFB.

You know what, X has been through enough! I can't stand to see my co-host this down, so what if I make a gesture! Yeah, that might work. But how? The pottery was smashed, we don't have Donuts Diary, and we already gave X a party. Think Four, what would X like.

You would I should know my own co-host better, but it's hard when it comes to lo-making a gesture. Maybe I could ask the others for help, they might be at the courthouse. Better go over there then...

In the fastest way possible! Teleporting time!

*Pop* I appear at the courthouse in front of some of the contestants chatting. I see, Gelatin at the stand?

"Welcome fellow Have Cot-er's, to the case of the Smashed Ruby!" Gelatin exclaims from the top of the stand.

Lollipop just sits in one of the benches. "Oh Jelly Boy, isn't it obvious? That silly gem just jumped off the temple again, like she did yesterday. She told me she got inspired by this, Excellent Entities thing? Idk." (Excellent Entities reference! If you have watched the YouTube shorts, you would know.)

"Lollipop! We should be more noice to our fellow teammates." Bubble gets up from her seat and makes a comment going against Lollipops claim.

Gelatin, being slightly annoyed at the interruption, stands up and points at Bubble.

"Objection!...Nuh uh."

"What do you mean 'Nuh uh'?!"

Alright, I am getting sick of being ignored. "Have Cots! I have a question to ask you, and it's mandatory that you answer." >:)

From the corner of my eye, Ruby kicks down the courthouse doors and makes a dramatic entrance. "Heyy Have Cots!! Guess what? I survived! Although, it would have been nice to recreate that moment from BFDIA, oh well!"

Ruby skips towards the benches and sits next to Lollipop, looking at me like I had a surprise.

"Okay, uh, as I was saying. I have a question for you all! What would X like? I want to do something special for them." I walk towards the stand in the courthouse and take a seat, making myself the new judge...again.

"Well, I know that X really likes baskets. Why not just, give him a really nice basket!" Gelatin is the first one to answer. Lollipop immediately replies,

"Gelatin, we can't just give X one gift. We need something else, like some chocolates or a plant or-"

"Woit, that's it Lolli!" Bubble jumps out of her seat clearly wanting to say something. "X lives Alo Vera roight? Well, why not get X a large Alo Vera, planted in the basket! With loike, decorations or something?"

"Bubble...why?....Because that is a great idea! Thank you Have Cots, you have earned my respect." And I teleport away from the courthouse.

However, I could've sworn I heard Ballony say, "I thought we already had your respect after competing for so long, but whatever. It's fine." (Balloony talking facts tho)

~Timeskip I'm sorry :(~

Alright, I think I have everything I need thanks to the help I received from the Have Cots. I decorated a basket with yellow paint, and planted aloe polyphylla
that I decorated with a small string of blue and yellow led lights, just for X! (Aloe polyphylla description in comments)

While holding the plant in my hands, I could see X drawing in the sand right by the edge of the Goiky Ocean. Alright Four, you managed to host a whole season of B.F.D.I, you can confess your feelings-I mean give to X.

"X, what's wrong? You look depressed." I go next to X and sit down in the sand, looking into the ocean. The ocean breeze blowing past us.

"Oh, I just don't know where they left. It's hard to lose someone, even if they aren't dead." X replies sadly and continues drawing in the sand using his finger.

Alright Four, now.

"X, I know these past few days have been hard on you. So, I wanted to get you something, to show that I care about my co-host!" I get the aloe polyphylla from behind my back and present it to X, the glowing blue and yellow led lights glowing brighter from the sunset by the Goiky ocean.

X examines the basket and the plant, widening his eyes in surprise. I inform X, "It's a type of aloe vera! I even planted it in a basket just for you X."

"Four...thank you! This-this is so cool!" X holds the basket up above his eyes and shows off their large smile, making my heart feel warmer by the second.

"...I-I am glad you like it X-"

"I love it Four. I love you!" X puts down the basket next to him in the sand and pulls me into a large hug. I couldn't tell if I was blushing, but I was defiantly feeling love and passion towards X.

I wrap my arms around him, creating an embrace. Looking past ax's shoulder for a second, I take a small glance at what they were drawing in the sand.

Before hugging him tighter.

The drawing was of X, and me...

Holding hands by the sunset, above the ocean. Just like now.
I am so sorry this took so long to make, I am going through a small writers block. Also, I have closed requests for now because I have like, eleven more after this lol. So please do not request because I will most likely not do it. Anyways, thank you for reading my Oneshots, have a wonderful day, and as always...

Until next time!

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