(Requested) Sharing the Sun's Warmth (Blocky x Taco)

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~Blocky POV~

Man, it's finally over. BFB really has been nice, getting to know people better and making the most of the little moments. After the party for Four was finished, I walked over to the edge of the island. I could've sworn I saw Gelatin reading a comic right by the shore, so I think I know my way there.

Before I walk, I take a moment to stretch my arms. They were feeling slightly sore, so I wouldn't mind a nice stretch. Right when I stop, I hear Woody right behind me.

"Blockeh? Where is Taco?" He tapped on my shoulder and asked me, trying to hide his nervousness in front of me. (I tried to give Woody his classic accent)

"Taco? Oh, I actually do t know where she is, sorry Woody. But I'll let you know when I see her." I wave to Woody and start walking in the other direction, while Woody waves back.

Today is great for a sunset, that must be why it's out! I had always enjoyed seeing sunsets, one even helped me reminisce one time. But, I never tell that to anyone. My bros would probably tease me about it, and Taco is too cool for sunsets. Maybe Woody? Eh, he wouldn't understand.

While walking towards the shore with my hands behind my head, I can feel the sand underneath my feet while the tall grass brushes against my legs. Trees sway over my head, the cool air mixed with the fresh air coming from the ocean waves just up ahead.

I must be close, I could hear the waves close by and the sand is becoming more dense.

When I reach the edge of the island, I am welcomed with a large ring of sand that goes around the whole island, lined by the large body of water that was the ocean. The sun creating pink and orange skies, making a sunset.

I look around the area, until my eyes land on something. Someone in fact.

"Hey, Taco!" I call out for Taco sitting in the warm sand getting her attention towards me and off of the sand.

"Hi Blocky! Get over here!" Taco gestures me to the spot of sand next to her, so I run closer to the water.

When I get next to Taco, I immediately sit in the sand and regain my breath after running so fast. "I made it!" I raise my fist in the air while taking more breaths of the cool breeze blowing past the both of us.

"I can see that Blocky, you didn't have to make such a grand entrance though." She chuckles while I start to stop recovering.

"It wasn't grand, it was epic! I just like to run on the sand, it's fun!" I sit upright next to Taco and look into her brown eyes, that shine in the sunset light. Gosh she is so cool, I think to myself as I continue to smile at Taco.

"Well..." Taco starts to talk, "If it's so fun, why not run again! I could use some movement after doing nothing!" Taco gets up and stretches her legs in preparation for the running we are going to do.

I stand up after she does and give her a smirk, I know exactly what do to. "Alright, we can run...

"...Tag your it!" I tag Taco on her shoulder and immediately start to run away towards my right, hearing her call back to me in retaliation. "Blocky! Are you kidding me!!" I could hear Taco run after me on the sand, while I sprint away from her avoiding the tag.

This is so awesome! I never get to do this, just to run and have fun while the cool air flies past me. Like I can do anything and no one can stop me, like I can live life to the fullest and not be bothered about it! I laugh while I sprint, looking at the sunset resting on the waves to my right.

The big ball of fire, so far from home. I have seen it up close before, but that was during a challenge. I never really had many chances to look at the sun and be fully happy at the same time. Even if it's during a prank, it just doesn't feel the same.

Before I know it, Taco gets to me and manages to tag me on my shoulder just like I did to her just a moment ago. "Tag! Your, it? Blocky, are you okay?" Taco asks me with a curious look on her face that has a hint of concern.

I take a deep breath and sit down on the sand, while Taco hesitates to do the same thing. Continuing to gaze at the sunset, vibrant and colorful, I ask Taco a question. "Taco, do you ever like to look at the sunset?" I mostly just asked it to feel better about my soft side, but it would be nice to know her opinion.

"Sunsets? Well, I do enjoy sunsets now that you mention it! I would enjoy finding all of the different colors and fades when I was little, but I can't seem to enjoy them now. It's like, I need closure or someone to enjoy them with me again." Taco admits to me while resting her arm on my shoulder, looking at the ocean waves creating a sea foam rim on the sand.

"Well...now you do have someone." I say to Taco and look at her, admitting my secret enjoyment in the giant star.

She quickly spins her head to me, now with slight blush. "D-do you mean-?" Before she could say something else, we pulled ourselves into a kiss.

It's like the sun gave us its warmth and comfort for this moment, after having it stored away from us. We lock our hands together, feeling the embrace we had pulled ourselves into.

I was right, this was single-handedly the greatest moment of my life.

Because it's when I found someone to enjoy the little moments with, someone to enjoy the warm sunsets with.

Someone to enjoy life with.
Sorry if I didn't get the request right to whoever requested this, I tried to get the setting right. But besides that, I hope you enjoyed reading the Oneshot, I think it turned out really sweet and nice in the end! Also, my writers block is gone! Hooray! Have a great day, and as always...

Until next time!

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