Chapter 1: "Bond"

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Kenna was always on the slimmer side.

with a petite frame that made her stand out in a crowd. Sometimes, she couldn't help but feel a little self-conscious about it. What she lacked in size, she made up for with her outstanding personality and quick wit. She had a knack for making people laugh and was very loyal to her friends.
On the other hand, Maya embraced her curvier figure with confidence and grace— or at least, she acted like she did. Even if she didn't always embrace it, her contagious smile and warm personality drew people in, making her the life of the party. Maya had a way of making everyone feel comfortable and accepted. Her friendship with Kenna was proof it's not impossible to have a true bond.

They had always been each other's rock, supporting and cheering each other on through thick and thin. But as they started this new chapter of their lives, something seemed different. The summer had brought about changes in both of them. Something felt off. It's like they became more mature..

8th grade was full of teenagers, and there was a lot of new kids.

The one person that Kenna was not ready to see was her ex boyfriend Isa who had cut things off with her over the summer. He became more distant, spending less time with her and more time with his friends. Kenna couldn't understand why he was pulling away, and it left her feeling confused and hurt.

"Boys are so confusing." Kenna stated.
"I know right? Boys can be so confusing sometimes. It's like they speak a different language."

"I mean, one minute they're all sweet and attentive, and the next minute they're distant and aloof. It's hard to keep up."

Maya's confusion was fading in as she exchanged a puzzled glance with Kenna. Sensing something was wrong. She mustered the courage to ask, "Did something happen between you and Isa?"

Kenna's gaze dropped, her emotions weighing heavy on her heart. With a sigh, she opened up, sharing her pain. "Yeah, he sent me this long message, pouring out his feelings. It just doesn't feel genuine, like he doesn't truly care." Kenna's voice quivered, her tears held back by sheer determination. "It's tough. But remember, you're strong, Kenna. You'll get through this."

Maya's heart went out to Kenna, understanding that sometimes all you can do is offer comfort and support. She wrapped her arms around her friend in a warm tight hug, sharing words of encouragement and positivity.

Kenna's mind drifted back to the memories she cherished with Isa. The stolen kisses between classes and secret moments in the halls filled her thoughts. It was a forbidden love, hidden from her mom's watchful eyes...

The first day of school was tense for everyone, like walking on thin ice. But as soon as they stepped into the cafeteria, the atmosphere thawed. Kenna and Maya joined their friends Farah, Scowl, and Natasha at their usual table. It was a familiar sight, as they had all grown up together. However, there was also a mix of new faces at the table, with many other students and a bunch of new kids. In fact, there were 14 boys and 11 girls in their class. More than half of them were newcomers.

As the girls chatted amongst themselves, Kenna's mind wandered off into a world of its own. Her gaze became distant, lost in a hazy daydream.
Suddenly, she felt a gentle caress on her back and quickly turned her head. Her curiosity piqued. "Who-" As the crowd shifted, she caught a glimpse of a mysterious figure with dark, flowing hair.
"Maybe they didn't mean it?" Kenna thought. Filled with uncertainty.

Kenna had always been an over-thinker. Her head filled with everyone else's negativity. Her self esteem takes a hit every time someone leaves a comment about her appearance, whether it's her body structure or face.
And this affected the rest of her thoughts.

As Maya turns towards Kenna, the attention of the others is drawn to them as well.
"You okay?" Asks Maya. Kenna looked up, smiling, her initial confusion fading away. "Yeah, I'm alright," Kenna replied. "I just thought I felt someone touch me, but it must have been my imagination. Thanks for checking in, Maya."

The group continued their conversation, shifting their focus back to the present moment.

Some time after lunch, Kenna and everyone else was preparing for the final couple of hours of school as time seemed to drag on endlessly. However, when she returned home, she received a text message from an unfamiliar number. With a hesitant touch, she opened the message and was confronted with a photo of Isa alongside another girl, with their lips in contact. It appeared that this girl was being referred to as his "new girlfriend."

This shattered her.

He had just broken up with her 3 weeks ago, so she was confused as to why he had already moved on.
If he had felt like he wasn't ready for a relationship, why is he in another one?

Maybe he lost feelings for her?

I know this was a short chapter.
I'll make up for it chapter 2 !!
I hope yall enjoyed lol I used AI to help me write professionally but this whole storyline credits is to me. 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10 ⏰

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