(Requested) Protection IS Everything (Reader x YinYang Yandere)

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Authors Note!: So this was my first Yandere! I actually have never made a yandere Oneshot before so, hopefully I do well!

WARNING: Blood and slight violence!!

~Reader POV~

I can't believe my friends dragged me into this. I mean, social media said this club was pretty popular so it should be alright. I had decided to wear something comfortable, nothing fancy I mean it's club so it's not like I need to wear a suit or anything fancy.

The outside of the club was neon, with bright lights and the windows were pitch black, I could barely see the people dancing inside! Well, if they were dancing I couldn't exactly tell. Well, guess I have to go in now.

I go through the pitch black doors and enter the club, with flashing neon lights and a dance floor at the bottom of the black stairs. Right now I was on a platform with tables, some with objects sitting at them.

I go down the stairs and stand by the dance floor, not exactly on it. I want to dance but, I would look like a fool if I did. I just stand by the snack table and grab a Dr. Fizz, opening it up.

Right as I do so, I hear someone right by me also standing by the snacks.

"See Yin! I am not the only one who prefers the best drink!" I swivel towards the person next to me who had just commented on my arrival. What a way to get attention, by going to a snack table.

"I still don't understand how sugary drinks could be so popular! You get just as much energy with water!" The lighter half of the YinYang next to me argues with the other over a drink. That's a first...actually now that I think about it arguing over a beverage is common.

I decide to intervene, "Do you mind if I ask what's going on? Just curious." I have gained their attention towards me and the object looks at me curiously.

"Hm? Oh hello! Sorry if we disturbed you." The lighter half is the first to reply while the darker half responds back, "Not sorry! We were having a important discussion!"

"No we weren't! Anyways, we are YinYang! Well, I am Yin and my brother is Yang, nice to meet you!" Yin holds out their right hand for me to shake like a greeting, while Yang looks off to the side.

I decided to shake his hand, "Nice to meet you too! I'm Y/N, I just came here because my friends forced me to, but I guess it's cool now!" I directed that last part towards YinYang. What could I say, I never met anyone like them before! And who knows, maybe we could get along nicely.

"Yeah it's cool...if Yin wasn't such a pudding boy, hahaha!!" Yang started laughing at the comment he made towards Yin, and I laughed under my breath trying not to look rude. "Y-Yang! First impressions are important, did you really have to mess this up for us??" While they argue about conversation starters I decide to go and dance for a bit. My favorite dance song was playing and I didn't want to miss out! (What song would it have been for you?)

"Well, it was nice meeting you YinYang both of you! But I'm going to go dance for a bit, let me know if you want to join later!" I waved to YinYang leaving the snack table and going to the dance floor while they waved back. Both of their expressions were, really happy! Glad I got to meet them.

...However, I wasn't looking ahead of me when I started walking.

I accidentally bumped into a Trophy, spilling my soda on them by accident.

"OH! I-I'm so sorry about that-let me just-" I was attempting to apologize to the jock in front of me, now with a furious expression. He had grabbed me by the collar gaining attention from around the club.

"How DARE you bump into me your Twerp!! Do you KNOW who I AM!?" He had lifted me by my collar even higher now, while I tried to rip his hands off of me. "I-I don't know, but why should I know a Jerk like YOU!?" I had yelled that into their face, immediately regretting it afterwards.

Trophy's face was red with rage as he raised his fist in front of me, about to throw a punch. "Why you little BRAT!!" I braced for impact ready to take a beating. (Ppt2 reference here!)

When I opened my eyes, I was on the floor of the club standing up shakily. I was alright, just shocked. YinYang was punching Trophy directly in the face giving him a good beating while objects around the room stared.

When YinYang was done, Trophy had a bloody nose and some bruises all over his body. I could've sworn he was coughing up blood.

"I-*cough* I forfeit, just leave already!!" Trophy had used his little energy to snap back at YinYang, which caused even more damage.

Before YinYang could deliver another blow, I had grabbed them by the wrist and started to run out of the doors avoiding the Knife guarding the door.

I had dragged YinYang to an alleyway close to the club, but no one could see us so we were safe at the moment.

We were both gasping for air, after what had just happened.

"Why did you do that YinYang?! That was...nice, but also why??" I grab onto YinYang's shoulders confronting both of them for just attacking a stranger.

Before I could get a reply, they had grabbed onto my shoulders and brought me into a kiss. I was shocked that they had actually kissed me, right then and there...in a alleyway after beating up someone.

When they finished kissing me, we just look at each other regaining our breath.

"Well, because Y/N..."
"We would do anything to protect you."
I hope I did well with the Yandere! It was my first one so I hoped you enjoyed! Anyways, thank you so much for reading and I promise I will get to your request if you did make one! Have a great day, and as always...

Until next time!

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