Chapter 46 - Simplicity

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"Can we at least grab some souvenirs before warping home?" Pleaded Mocha.

"What is it that you seek, that I am unable to create, curious one?" Sighed Felicia, she lowered her head to get a better view of the traveler.

Early that morning, the creator spent her time hanging around in the deserted town. As she strolled through the unpaved road watching the people around, she knew that today was the day to give back to the community that had welcomed her with open arms.

Despite the fact that Felicia had spent the night sleeping on a hard, unforgiving floor, her body felt invigorated and strong. Her wound had fully healed, leaving no trace of the injury that had once threatened to derail her plans.

Felicia offered her assistance wherever it was needed. She tirelessly built a sturdy protective gate around the town, the blueprint filled its material and design effortlessly. The scent of fresh wood filled her nostrils as she fixed damaged structures, with the touch of her machines. She diligently restocked supplies, the sight of neatly organized shelves bringing a sense of order to chaos.

Not stopping there, Felicia went above and beyond, fulfilling the town's every wish. She procured small items like books, wagons, and lamps, their vibrant colors catching the sunlight. She even provided grander things, like a majestic library and flourishing crops, the scent of ink and earth mingling in the air. Some townsfolk dared to plead for riches, and with a flick of her wrist, she made it rain gold and diamonds, their glittering splendor mesmerizing to behold.

As Felicia worked her magic, glitches of her power danced across her hand, the pulsating energy creating an ethereal glow. Pixels vanished into thin air leaving her creation behind to use.

It was better than waiting for the werecat to wake up and doing nothing in the meantime. It took almost two hours into the afternoon for him to finally surface, and even then he was nursing a terrible hangover that took another hour to recover from. But when he did feel better, Felicia almost forgot how energetic and cheerful he was.

"Oh, come on! Live your life a little! The least you could do is bring me on a shopping spree! You own me!" He tugged on her black shirt, pulling her back and forth restlessly. Felicia was in such a disturbance that she couldn't even properly fasten her cloak.

"Own you what, exactly?" The redhead raised an eyebrow.

"Let's see, for getting me into this hot weather, putting me in danger with the serpents, didn't bring me to your adventure, and getting me drunk and blaming it on Sarah-" He counted with his tiny fingers, the list was endless.

"Enough! Enough." She pressed her finger on his lips. She let out a forced, awkward laugh, desperately trying to hide her embarrassment as the townspeople joyfully laughed at them.

"Mhmph! I wasn't finished-"

"Who's intention on tagging along? I did not invite you."

Mocha crossed his arms, his ears folded to the back of his skull and his tail stood straight. Her pupils turned into slits, his cheeks puffed adorably, his fair skin tinted with blush. As if Mocha knew that would make the mighty creator falter, as if he knew how to bribe the pretentious creator with his mood swings.

Felicia looked back on last night and compared it to Mocha's current state. It was as though the man had been entirely transformed. Felicia had no idea how heavily catnip could impact a werecat's behavior, and she wanted to conduct further research on the matter. Furthermore, she had never met an immortal being who possessed any feline features, aside from Anastasia, who was a fox.

"Fine," With a sigh, her hand raked into her reddish hair."Well, where do you want to go? Luxurious mall? Fancy Street shops-"

"Villagers' Market."

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