(Requested) The Life to my Love Part 2 (Lifering x Teakettle)

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Authors Note: I added the "Part 2" into the intro because this was actually one of my first Oneshots, and somebody requested to finish it!! And I'm really glad they did because, I've actually wanted to continue this for a while lol. If you forgot what happened in that Oneshot, then you may want to go back to it. Since it's one of the first Oneshots, you should be able to find it as one of the first parts. Okay I won't stall any longer, hope you enjoy!!

~Lifering POV~

Well, time to bring up my courage today! I've got something planned and I can't mess this up!! Ever since TK and I went on that picnic, I've been planning to ask her to be...

My girlfriend.

But it's so hard!! I've never been into romance much, and heck, I don't even know what to say! But I just know I have it in me, to make this day perfect.

I was able to get tickets for a restaurant downtown, it had good reviews and it passed the health inspection! So, I had to pick it. Besides, it would be nice to give Teakettle a break from cooking. Every time we hang out she makes the meal, and I always end up feeling guilty about it. So I hope that I could ask her at the restaurant! Maybe it could go well? I hope so.

I got my dark red bow tie on, and made sure that it wasn't too tight. Can't risk choking! Right as I'm getting my bow tie on in front of the mirror, I hear the doorbell ring right at my front door. I asked her to be here at 5:40 so we could walk to the restaurant, and I look at the clock to see—5:45!?

Immediately, I rush towards the front door and grabbed the handle. Making sure I didn't trip along the way. (Safety first people!!)

Starting to turn the handle, I have to admit, I was getting nervous. Nervous about the fact if TK will like this or not. Who knows what could go wrong! But, gotta stay confident for the occasion. And I can't mess this up!

Opening the door wearing a welcoming smile, I see Teakettle outside. She was wearing a red tea rose on her object lid, and was wearing matching gloves. She looked...beautiful.

"Lifering! Great to see ya old pal, sorry I was late. Took a while for me to decide what to wear, but I went with something simple." Teakettle started the conversation and gave me a warm hello. "Don't worry about being late! If anyone, I was the one who lost track of time!"

She laughed at the remark, making me smile more brighter. "Well if you did lose track of time, then we better get going!" She waved me outside, so I locked my front door and decided to walk next to her. Although it was just the evening, not too late, you could still see a few stars align the sky. Making some shapes that you could spot.

"Hey, TK!" I look at her next to my side, walking at a nice pace. "Look up at the stars! It kind of looks like...uh, a rocket ship?" She gives a closer look at the stars with me, trying to spot it.

"Yeah, it does kind of look like a space ship!" Teakettle marvels at the sight, taking in the wonderful scenery. This was nice! I mean, it's been a while since we went out like this. Never have we taken in the scenery. We have only just talked, and made conversation! Now we get to do more tonight, something special.

After a few minutes of walking, we both got to the restaurant. It wasn't very far, so the walk was nice and pleasant! The outside of the restaurant was extravagant, a lot more fancy than what I pictured. Nerves are building up again, but I gotta keep my cool!!

We both enter the restaurant, with not too many tables occupied. It's all just other couples who had a scheduled meal, no families or friend groups seated. While we were both looking at the scenery, a object wearing sunglasses came up to us. Most likely one of the waiters.

"Yo—I mean, hey! I'm Grassy and I'll be, like, your waiter for today!" He wasn't very professional to say the least, but he had spirit! (People, it's not Grassy from Tpot. This is Grassy, from "Object Lock Out")

"So, did you guys schedule for tonight?" He asked us while pulling down his sunglasses. I decided to reply, "Yeah, uh, I made the reservation! For two, should be under 'Lifering'." He looks at a clipboard with many reservations, until he sports my name.

"Oh Yeah! Lifering! Right this way, there should be a table open." Grassy lead TK and I towards a nice table, with a lovely red table cloth. It even matched my bow tie! There was even a candelabra on the table, talk about fancy!

We both took our seats, and got our menu's handed to us. Then Grassy spoke in an French accent that fits the occasion,

"So, what would you like to order tonight?"

~Timeskip (Can't make this too long lol)~

Oh my medkit! The food is amazing here! My beef Wellington is cooked and seasoned to perfection, the chefs should get a raise!!

"So-uh, how is the filet mignon Teakettle?" I ask with a slight tone of worry, fearing that the dish may not be good. Or that she might dislike it.

But to my surprise, it didn't end up as bad as I thought. "Oh it's incredible lifer! Not a single scratch in the recipe! Might even ask what kind of sauce they used!" She was so happy, it was like the room got brighter in the moment. It was so nice to just, be with her. A-and see how happy and joyful she got around me, like I wasn't a failure.

But now it was time. To see if she wanted to be happy with me forever.

Teakettle noticed my small blush and worry, and spoke up about it. "You okay Lifering? I can get some water if you need any, like a refill?" I took a deep breath in, and just said it.


"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Her eyes widened in disbelief, yet I kept going on as if I had a chance. A chance at love. "Ever since we got close, when we were in the Sinkers together, we were always in sync. Even when we were on indefinite island, we would always help each other out when times got hard. And even after III, we went out together! A-and it just makes me feel so happy, like nothing is holding me back from reality. I just hope you want to feel the same...with me."

We look into each other's eyes, knowing that whatever was spoken next would change our lives. Either for the better, or for the worst. She she told me...

"Oh Lifering...

"Of course!"

I was in shock, but I was so excited as well! She said yes! She said yes!!

I could tell that Teakettle noticed my excitement, and so she stood up from her chair and signaled me to get off as well. "Get over here!"

When I stood up off my chair, and got next to her, the next thing I knew...

I was pulled into a kiss.

And that kiss had to be the best moment of my life—no, scratch that!

Of our lives!! :D
AAAAAAAAA—it's been a while since I made a Oneshot, motivation has run really low. Sorry :(
But I absolutely LOVED writing this, and continuing an earlier Oneshot! It's defiantly something new, and I'm glad that I tried it! Well, I hope you have a fantastic day. And as always...

Until next time!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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