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[Third Person]

                         "So let me get this straight." Headmaster Cole spoke. "Yall 9 fought 2 battles. In which, someone unknown used a spell and killed the enemy. Following that, before the leaders of each group died, they both said that they boss was gonna find out and kill all of you and your families." Cole started to laugh. "Hmm...that's funny. They're very bold....saying something like that." Headmaster Cole laughed even more .

"Well. It's not like all of us fought. Lupine didn't do shit father."

"Watch your mouth Sora." Cole demanded.

"But it's true." Tristin also demanded. "While we risked our life. He sat there like a little pussy."

"This is the last time I will say it. What your language." Headmaster Cole's voice was demanding and stern, a strong presence fell over the room and everyone became tense. "And it's not like he had a choice. He was injured. But at the moment, it doesn't matter. Me and the other headmasters have come to a decision. We've decided to send you 9 away to insure your safety. Given that they are targeting Lupine specifically, which we don't know the reason for. Plus it's safe to assume that their master or whoever they work for, has gotten wind of what happened and we have no way in knowing their capabilities when it comes to man power. We have no knowledge of them at all. And at any rate, this current battle could possibly shake the whole of the supernatural world."

"Which means they might start targeting you, as well as Lupine. Once the break starts, all 9 of you will be staying at Headmaster Vince's vacation home, that will also be guarded for your safety. Until then, continue class as normal. You are dismissed."

And with that, the group of them left the headmasters and headmistress combined office.


"Lupine?" A voice behind him yelled. To which Lupine turned, to see an angry looking Tristin walking towards him.

What was his deal. Lupine thought. Why do him and that Sora chick always got it out for me. It's not like I'm completion. Asher has already rejected me. And at this point, I don't see things working out for me and True either.

Lupine let out a heavy breath before walking toward Tristin.

"We need to talk?"

"What's your deal?" Lupine said, his mood dropping completely. "I haven't done shit to you, so what do you fucking want?"

"We need to talk. Now follow me." Lupine let out another sigh, but other wise followed Tristin. The two of them walked to the nearest mens bathroom.

"Anyone in here?" Tristin yelled, as they walked into the bathroom. There were a few students inside, but not for long. "The fuck out. NOW!"

All the students left the bathroom quickly, knowing that it was best not to piss off a perfect, and especially because he was a royal.

"Now..." Lupine expression was blank. He didn't really care what Tristin had to say, even though he had a good idea of what was about to be said. "Tell me what do you want? So I can leave and go to class."

"Fine. I'll get straight to the point. Whatever you and True have going on, you're gonna fucking stop it. True is my boyfriend, end of discussion. And if you keep trying to take him away from me, things are gonna get...rough."

"First of all, there isn't shit going on with me and True an—"

"Yeah right. You're just another gold digger. A slut, who's only trying to get into True's pants for the sake of power and money."

"Like I said, there is nothing going on. And there will be nothing going on with me and True. Im going to make sure of that—"

"What do you mean?" A voice said from behind Lupine, who was standing closer to the door in case Tristin tried something. He was just being extra cautious, he didn't know Tristin and he certainly didn't trust him.

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