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[Third Person]

                           Lupine and the rest of the group walk through the courtyard. Winter had began, the wind and snow blew past them in waves. Their hair flew with it. The sun had just barely risen , but the sky was covered with dark clouds that painted the school in grey. The school was quiet, everyone else was asleep.

Lupine and the others feet taped against the freshly cleaned bricks of the courtyard. That was the only noise that could be heard, the sound echoed throughout the empty courtyard.

It took only a few moments to reach the gates of the academy, were their were three very expensive looking black expeditions with tented windows waiting for them.

"Our drive to the vacation home will be up to 5 hours, we will take snacks breaks and bathroom breaks throughout the trip." The driver announced, before getting back into the car.

Lupine, Kyle, Tessa, Krystal, and Lucy, all piled into the first expedition. True and Tristin, got into the second one and Asher and Sora got into the last expedition.

The drivers started the cars, pulling off in order. The nice rims of the expeditions spun against the dirt and snow, kicking it up as they drove.

The beginning of the drive was quiet, everyone was on their phones. Except Lupine, Lupine had a bunch of thoughts in his mind. His chest was tense, but he was staying strong. Normally with the amount of mental pain he was going through, he would have cut himself already.

And yes, Lupine has thought about it before. Yes, he's through at about how he's numb to all physical pain. He doesn't know why, he's doesn't know what happened . All he knows is that he can't feel pain unless he used silver. It happened a while ago, but the numbness never went away. So over time, Lupine had gotten used to not feeling pain.

"Lupine?" Kyle called, bringing Lupine's train of thought to a stop. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah." Sweat trailed down Lupine's face, his breathing was heavy. "Why?"

"You look like you're in pain?" Kyle replied.

"I'm not in pain, I'm just a little hot?" Lupine gave Kyle a weak smile. More sweat trailed down his face.

"Are you sure you aren't in any pain?" Krystal asked, as she stood half way up in the moving vehicle. She walked over towards Lupine and placed her hand on his forehead.

"Damn you're hot." Krystal said. "I think you might be sick or something."

"Sick. Were werewolves, our immune system is strong. We practically never get sick." Tessa spoke, looking at Krystal like she was crazy.

"Then why is he burning up. His forehead is burning at an abnormal temperature. What else could it be, other than him being sick?" Krystal said.

"Or maybe he's in heat?" Lucy spoke up.

"Heat?" Kyle, Tessa, and Krystal all asked at the same time.

"That's impossible. Only omegas have heats. And based off the color of Lupine's wolf's eyes, it's most likely he was bitten by a noble and their for he is of noble rank? So it makes it even more unlikely that he is in heat."

"I know, but that's the only logical conclusion. Especially since werewolves and pretty much every supernatural creature, hardly ever gets sick." Lucy replied.

"So if Lupine's in heat, why didn't we know this until now? We couldn't smell it at all. Plus that would mean he found his mate." Krystal asked, Kyle face started to pale.

"He probably just went into heat." Tessa said smiling. "So I'm curious Lupine, who's your mate?"

"I don't wanna talk about this. I don't feel good, I'm over heated and tired. So let me rest for a while..." Lupine trailed of, as his eyes closed. He released a quiet yawn, before curling up slightly near the window and going to sleep.

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