Chapter 22

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Today is October fifteenth.

When I was younger, it was the best day of my life because it was Rhys's day.

A day where we would both sneak out, laughing and smiling and just being happy, eating crap loads of junk food and watching Disney movies until sunrise.

That's why it was the best day for the year.

Because it was just me and him. Together.

Now, I remember it being one of the worst days in my life. The day I delivered my own brother and watched my mother hemorrhage so bad she died after constant bleeding, despite my best efforts to stop it.

But it's still Liam's birthday. Along with Rhys's. So I smother on a smile and carry on because there's nothing else I can do on October fifteenth except make sure Liam is happy.

Like I once was on this day.

I made Liam waffles and bacon earlier this morning while Rhys built a blanket fort in the living room, where they ate and watched The Wiggles.

Now it's close to nine, people moving through the kitchen and living room, all wearing birthday hats and glasses, Liam laughing with Rhys on the carpet in front of the TV.

Kyla and Seth are sitting on the couch with Allie and Noah, Cam and Mike playing with Liam's truck he left out from earlier.

Gentle music is moving through the apartment, half empty pizza boxes sit on the counter, red solo cups overflowing the garbage.

Moving as quietly as I can so Liam doesn't pick up on the movement, I grab the cake I made yesterday at the cafe and gently place it on the counter, lighting six small candles and a 21 candle for Rhys.

Kyla catches my eye, perking up with excitement as she starts bellowing happy birthday.

Liam flies over to me, practically pawing at my leg until I pick him up so he can take a better look at the two tier cake.

"Is that for me? Well, it has to be because there's Thomas The Train on it." Liam notes, reaching out to grab the train I made on the top, frowning when he realizes it's fondant.

"Holy shit, Maeve. Did you make all the decorations?" Kyla gapes, brushing her hair back as she takes a closer look.

I nod. I spent all yesterday evening making the trees and train tracks out of modelling chocolate, and the trains from fondant. I even used an airbrush to paint on the blue for the sky.

"Wow. Can we eat it now?" Liam asks, ignoring the snickers of Cam and Mike.

"You and Rhys have to make a wish first. And then you two can open presents."

Rhys takes Liam from me, watching as Liam blows out his candles, both of them laughing at something Liam muttered.

"Presents!" Liam shouts, wiggling against Rhys's chest until he places him on his feet, taking off for the overflowing pile of gift bags and tissue paper that sits in the corner.

Cam pouts, needing attention. "But what about cake?"

Liam scowls at him, crossing his little arms over his chest. Noah snickers. "Cammy, no! We have to blow out candles, open presents then me and Rhys pick out a movie. Then it's cake."

Mike shakes his head, an exasperated look on his face. "Yeah, Cammy. Are you kidding me? Everyone should know this."

Allie joins in, tsking Cam.

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