chapter 1

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Drops of sweat falling from the hair to the side of his earlobe and praying for him to god , to win the race . misa as well as rathi laughing at me like the way i am praying for karsan to win the race . my tension has been increased because the finishing line is near . adi and karsan is in tie to finish the racing line . suddenly karsan has skid his leg due to a stone and adi has won . he fell down and feeling like a loser because he has lost in the last moment and not even getting a second position in the race but at that time his his eyes moved to find someone in the waiting area . and suddenly his stopped on me . i was feeling that he was trying to express that he is in pain through his eyes .

Hearing a loud voices from the speaker , by announcing the results . that he only got an bronze medal . but i kind of felt happy in somewhere in my heart that he won't show his attitude again .then i remembered what happened 1 year back when i talk to him for the first time.

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