Chapter 26

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American Thanksgiving. Personally, I think it's weird that you would eat a whole turkey and then eat another one a month later but I guess America's all about "go big or go home."

Since we do have a few American's on our team, we decided to celebrate Thanksgiving when they do so they feel more at home.

Since he's the captain of this rowdy bunch, Thanksgiving will be held at Noah and Allie's apartment. Apparently Noah's being all snappy and grumpy since Allie's away competing in Montreal.

Liam's in my arms when we knock, greeted by a blank face who looks so fucking happy that we're here.

Maeve shakes her head at Noah. "Dude. Turn that frown, upside down. No one wants to see that shit."

Noah scowls even more before Liam wiggles in my arms, waking up from his nap. "Rhysie?"

I kiss his hair. "Hmm?"

"Are we here? I really wanna see Allie. And Kyla."

A ladies man. Just like me.

I give him a small smile even thought he can't see it, head buried into my neck as I step into the kitchen, making sure Maeve doesn't drop anything.

"Well, we won't get to see Allie today but Kyla's here." I nod at her as she comes and tickles his back.

Liam arches away from me, his laugh filling the apartment.

"Kyla! Stop! That tickles!" He shouts, kicking his feet. I put him down and he's already off towards the couch where he sees Mike and Cam, along with Maeve's friend Ava. Liam jumps into her arms.

"Ava! I didn't know you were coming!" He shouts, making Ava flinch and pull away, adjusting what I assume are her hearing aids.

I'm about to tell him he needs to keep his voice down but Cam beats me to it.

"Hey, buddy. Remember Ava's really sensitive toward loud noises so you gotta keep your yelling down." Cam tells him, pointing to his own ears.

Understanding dawns on Liam's face. "Oh. Because of her hearing aids." He whispers, covering his ears.

Cam nods. "That's right. Good job, little man. Now, would you like to play some Mario Cart?"

Liam nods. "But quietly."

Cam laughs. "Quietly."

I make my way back to the kitchen where Kyla and Maeve are having a girl sesh. Without me.

I pout, my hand flying over my heart. "I can not believe you guys would leave me out of the drama."

Kyla snickers behind her vodka milkshake. Of course she would drink something like that. "You are the drama."

I blink. "Well, what are we saying about me? Good things I hope."

"We're talking about how you're yet to drag Maeve into bed." Kyla snorts, laughing when Maeve punches her arm.

"Kyla! We were not talking-" Maeve chimes, interrupted.

"-Yes we were." Kyla says, taking a sip of her milkshake.

I cross my arms, a lazy grin forming on my face when I see Maeve scowling at me. "If you wanted to come that bad, you should have come and gotten me. I would be more than happy to do the job."

Maeve grumbles. "Mother fucking whanking ass."

"Rhys!" Noah shouts from the couch, glaring at me. "If you even think about using the guest room so you can test out that new thing called a dick, it will be chopped off and Leo can use it as a chew toy." He snaps but I see a smile fighting its way through.

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