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 I used to think freedom was about the physical; pounding bass, neon lights, dancing in a dark, sweaty club. Freedom was at its height when I was dancing against Kai's body and he was disguised as Lucas – his middle name – and feeling in control, which I never did with Brayden, my ex.

Then I thought I lost it when I found myself pregnant and forced into a fake marriage with Prince Kai, then-fifth in line to the British throne, now first. In reality, I found the best in the situation and thrived. I had freedom once again. Though royal life is bound by rules and protocols, and I have to look and be a certain way in public, I've found good causes and joy in this life. I've also found love in Kai and freedom in love that I never had with Brayden. His controlling abuse was something I felt trapped by and now I'm free.

This news threatens the freedom I had. The news threatens the freedom I found and like. But more importantly, it threatens Kai's freedom.

And yet, it also doesn't surprise me because this is the role we both knowingly took on and stayed for. We had the chance to leave, but we didn't take it. We both agreed to one day have this at our feet.

"I cannot be a king now, Peach," Kai panics. "It's too soon! I'm twenty-five. What the hell is he abdicating for?"

I stay silent and sink into the sofa in the lounge. We've changed it around in the last few months; gone are the bookshelves in one of the other rooms down the corridor. We bought a new TV, and of course, Kai being Kai, bought a bigger screen with a surround sound system. We painted the room so it's now a dark green on two walls and cream on the others. A few photos hang on one wall; two from our wedding and two of us with Emma. Kai put a desk against one wall with both our PCs set up next to each other so we can play games together – not that we get much time anymore. Emma has a play mat in here, along with a load of other toys. Her playroom and bedroom are down the hallway, though. She's currently out with the nanny, Belinda, until dinner, so we can work through this whirlwind.

Hugh did actually tell us why he's abdicating, but Kai's clearly not processed that bit yet.

"Why, Peach? We're not ready for this! We're trying to set up our family. A king and queen serve the people with their family already established—"

"Kai, calm down." I stand up and face him.

His eyes find mine immediately, hoping I'll ground him.

"Your dad told you he's going to do this for his health, and so he can retire. He said the people seem to love us and want us on the throne already, and the monarchy serves the people." I hold his hand. "Your mum and dad aren't young anymore—"

"Grandad ruled until he died at eighty-nine," he says.

"Right, but your parents don't want that life, and that's their choice. Your dad, especially, has spent his life serving the people, and he's having problems with his heart," I remind him.

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