Chapter One

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Oskar stood on his balcony and admired the Unaran landscape. Spring had come and everything was in bloom. He breathed in deeply as a crisp breeze blew his hair away from his forehead.

"Good morning, world," he whispered to himself.

The sound of water spilling caught his attention and Oskar turned to look into her bed chambers. The servant who tended to his bath and brought him breakfast was pouring a bucket of steaming water into the tub.

"Pardon my tardiness, Your Highness," the young man said, emptying the remaining water before bowing deeply.

"There's nothing to forgive, Mattias." Oskar smiled and waved the matter away with his hand. "I know to expect you about this time and you are very punctual. A few minutes tardy will not ruin our routine."

Mattias returned the smile, nodding with appreciation before he continued preparing the bath. Oskar turned his gaze back to the morning sunrise. The sky was a gradient of dark blues, pinks and yellows. Birds flew overhead, greeting the sun with their song.

"Mattias," Oskar said, turning to enter the chambers. "I intend to go riding this morning, after breakfast. Have Thiago saddled and ready by the kitchen's entrance."

"Of course, Your Highness," the servant replied.

"No need to tell Cook about it."

Mattias chuckled, "As you wish, Your Highness."

Oskar grinned; he enjoyed teasing Cook and sneaking a loaf with a chunk of cheese for his ride was always a must.

When the bath was ready, Oskar removed his nightshirt and stepped into the warm water. He sighed and closed his eyes as he splashed his shoulders.

 He sighed and closed his eyes as he splashed his shoulders

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Oskar took his time strolling through the palace halls. It was early enough that his parents would not see him leave, but the servants certainly would. The maids giggled as he walked by; Oskar greeted each of them, though he scarcely remembered their names because they did not tend to him the way Mattias did.


He pinched his lips in a line as he turned to the sound of his father's voice.

"Father," he said, dipping his chin.

"Where are you off to?" the king asked, a knowing smirk on his face.

"Nowhere in particular. Just the woods, near the castle gates."

"Then you're not going to call upon Lady Christine of the Crayfords?"

Oskar furrowed his brow. "Who? I know no such person."

Father chuckled, "My boy, Lady Christine has just come of age and will be introduced to the royal court. She is an eligible young woman and lovely to the eyes. I suppose I thought you enjoyed her company at the Winter Ball."

"Oh... I never learned her name. She wasn't supposed to be there and I only danced with her once."

The king smiled and clapped his hand on Oskar's shoulder.

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