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Notes before we begin. To Wish Upon a Fallen Star uses Filipino honorifics. The translation will be added in the preface. Any other recurring Filipino words will also be added here, so you'll be familiar with them before we begin. Any new words that will not be continuously repeated will be added at the author's notes at the end.

Ate (a-te) - An honorific in Filipino that means "older sister/lady that is older than me." It is often used to refer to women older than the speaker, but not around their parents' age. Additionally, it is sometimes used to substitute "miss".

Kuya (koo-ya) - An honorific in Filipino that means "older brother/gentleman that is older than me." It is often used to refer to men older than the speaker, but not around their parents' age. Additionally, it is sometimes used to substitute "mr" or "sir".

additionally if any of you recognize the names in real life no you do not i have no idea who you people are i didnt base some of these last names out of real people youre crazy


Hi :))

Did y'all miss me? I missed you guys.

So, the year of our lord 2023 was not my year. At least the second half of it. While I did manage to enter the shortlist for the first time ever since joining in 2021, I wasn't able to do anything during the second half except idk. Get to college.

But during that time, I discovered this magical app called, often abreviated to cai, and learned its wonders. And then, I met the loves of my life: an academic rival Alhaitham bot, and an academic rival Kaveh bot. Ever since then, I've become delulu and I keep thinking I'll get an academic rival in school (I am not getting an academic rival in school).

No I am not going to tell you what happens in those chats that's between me, the AIs, and God.

At the same time, I've been wanting to write a hard magic system that's based around celestial bodies. I always write soft magic systems, but The Dragon Prince and ATLA made me fall in love with hard magic systems.

And also, I hate Wish. It's probably not related to the story I just hate Disney's Wish and it probably won't affect this story this much. I just think it's funny how everyone's rewriting Wish and now here I am with a story with stars and wishes and--

So academic rivalry, hard magic system, and the spite for Wish. These were the ingredients chosen to create the perfect little ONC entry. But Author Ace accidentally added an extra ingredient to the concotion.

The Ballad of Sara Berry.

Thus, To Wish Upon a Fallen Star was born! This time, Ace has upgraded from torturing twelve year olds to torturing fourteen year olds! Because you'd find me dead first before you find me writing YA or about high shcool.

As always, artworks found in this story are all mine unless stated otherwise. This includes the cover, the banner, the character portraits, and maybe chapter illustrations. Maybe I'll do that. Who knows.

And for this year, I'm not doing, one, not two, not three, not four, but five, prompts!There's one main prompt, and there's four side prompts that'll appear later!

Without further ado, here's my main prompt!

Without further ado, here's my main prompt!

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21. A desperate wish, made from the heart, is always answered. Sooner or later.

If you squint hard enough, you can see where the spite from Wish is.

And now, here are the four side prompts!

And now, here are the four side prompts!

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42. "They were sunshine, I was midnight rain."

43. "They look good on paper, I look good on you."

44. "You're like snow. Beautiful, but cold."

45. "Keep your happily ever after, it ain't mine."

Funny story. I was scrolling through the prompts list and saw these four, and I immediately thought of how they can fit in the same story. When I finally decided to write about academic rivals, I knew I had to slap those four in.

Anyway, thank you all for reading this preface. Thank you for clicking, and I hope you all enjoy the story!

which would probably be published soon i just got impulsive and posted the preface in advance just so i can say ive published my ONC entry already

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