Chapter Two

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Oskar had fallen into a state of boredom. The afternoon was bright and calm outside, but he was uncertain of how he might spend his time. Until something caught his eye. Just beyond the South wall of the palace, which his window overlooked, was a pillar of smoke, several in fact. He wondered why he had never noticed before.

"Mattias," he said, straightening to his full height as his servant came running onto the balcony.

"How may I serve you, Your Highness?"

"What is that smoke beyond the wall?" the prince asked as he gestured in that direction.

Mattias observed and replied, "That is the village of Fernsworth."

"Why haven't I seen evidence of its existence before?"

"Normally, large trees grow along that wall. They were cut down during the summer to store for fires during the winter. It will take many years for those trees to grow tall again."

Oskar hummed as he looked more carefully. Then he saw it, the rooftops of small houses and buildings.

"Do the villagers come within the palace gates, to the city, at all?"

Mattias did not have an answer, but the prince could not blame him.

"Mattias, I need older clothes," he said, turning on his heel and entering his chambers.

"Your Highness?" the servant asked, confused as he hurried to follow.

"I need clothes that will disguise my identity," Oskar clarified as he rummaged through the wardrobe. "I wish to see this village and the people."

The servant was hesitant, but the prince was determined and he had a strange sense of excitement. Disguising himself and sneaking out of the palace was something Erasmus might do, not Oskar. Was this what adventure felt like?

A short while later, Mattias brought some old clothes from the servants' quarters. Oskar removed his leather boots and pulled on the worn shirt. The trousers were a few inches too short, but Oskar thought nothing of it.

"What should I say if someone inquires of your whereabouts?" Mattias asked as Oskar tied a brown cloak about his neck.

"The truth," the prince replied, pulling the hood over his head. "I'm disguising myself from the people, not my family. You are not telling any lies on my behalf, I won't have it."

The servant seemed more at ease as Oskar said this. He slipped through the secret doorway, which was concealed by his wardrobe, and closed it behind himself.

 He slipped through the secret doorway, which was concealed by his wardrobe, and closed it behind himself

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Oskar wandered along the great palace wall until he came to a rocky path that led into the village. He glanced at the end of the path, where the tree stumps were. Some had new branches sprouting with tiny leaf buds at the tips. He smiled and turned toward the village.

The sunshine had all but disappeared when he entered the center of the Fernsworth. Clouds varying in all shades of gray filled the sky with the threat of rain. Oskar frowned as he observed several young children sitting in a gutter outside one of the rundown buildings. They were covered in mud and scrapes, and they shook uncontrollably. As if they had not eaten in several days. The prince regretted not bringing more bread with him. It was truly a heartbreaking sight.

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