Chapter 28

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"So... are you and Rhys dating? It's getting quite sad that out of twenty hockey players, only two of them have girlfriends."

Allie asks, slurping on a slushy. Her hair is done up in a tight bun, press on tattoos placed on her cheeks.

She has a fancy ass gym suit on, blue and white colours blending into one another.

I was working at the booth for her competition so we're waiting outside together. We ordered an Uber not too long ago so it should be here soon since the venue is quite aways away and the boys had practice.

I glare at her. "Why? You jealous?"

I'm in a fucked mood. I learned that my dad gets to leave rehab about two weeks earlier than we thought because he's doing "so well."

It's a fucking act and apparently I'm the only one who knows that.

Allie laughs, completely unfazed by my question. She takes another loud slurp.

"Absolutely not. When I first met Rhys, I was terrified of him."

I scrunch my face, confused. "Have you seen your boyfriend? He's almost 6,7 and a brick fucking wall."

Rhys is like a 6,3 puppy. A fucking puppy. How the hell can anyone be terrified of that?

Allie shrugs. "Yeah, I know. But I felt safe with Noah when I met him. Probably like you did when you first met Rhys."

She's right. Absolutely is. The cool thing is we can be as messy and imperfect as possible but it doesn't matter because your vulnerability can be someone else's gift. And that's what makes us feel safe.

"It's not a bad thing if you and Rhys are dating. It means you've both found happiness. Peace." Allie tells me, kicking a rock with her foot down the side walk.

I tilt my head. "What?"

She shrugs again. "I don't know. Maybe I'm out of line for saying this-you can tell me to shut up if I am-but the best thing in life is when you find someone who knows about your flaws and weaknesses and still thinks your amazing. And Rhys is that person for you. The most tough decision you'll ever have to make is to choose love over fear, but once you do, you'll never regret it."

I'm absolutely floored. No, I don't think she's out of line for saying that-just because I now feel it's quite obvious-but damn. That hits hard.

After years of being apart, things are bound to change. And that's fine. It's life. I just wish we changed together.

We didn't go through all that pain for nothing. And I think Rhys and I are both starting to love each other again-not that we ever stopped- but started to love one another in a different way. A healthier way.

Where we're not relying on each other because we have to in order to survive, but because we now actually know what love is-

I startle when my phone rings in my back pocket, drawing me out of my head.


She's watching Liam tonight, even though I insisted I could take him with me but she said she was totally okay with it.

Ava knows not to call me when's she watching Liam unless something is wrong. Like really wrong.

I swallow.

"Ava? Everything okay?" My voice is shaky.

"Maeve!" Liam sobs. "Please come home."

The blood drains from my face and I can feel myself shaking. "Liam? What's wrong?" I ask urgently.

He cries. "Please come home."

I can't control my hands anymore. They shake uncontrollably. My stomach turns and I feel so sick.

Allie takes a hesitant step towards me, brows furrowed. "Maeve? Are you okay? Do you want some of my water?"

A black SUV pulls up against the curb at the end of the street, looking extremely familiar to our Uber.

I take off for it, not hearing Allie's question. I bang in the window. "Are you Chad?"

The dude in question nods. I take another harsh breath in before climbing inside, telling him the address.

My chest is rising and falling scary fast, my hands trembling. The thought of Liam hurt or-or worse...

And if his Dad somehow managed to escape rehab, which he's done before, and found where we live? It makes my head light at the thought.

I've never been so fucking scared. Never. I hate how weak I am in this moment, my Dad still having so much control over me. I fucking hate it.

Chad hesitates, eyeing me warily. "If you puke in my car, you're finding another ride."

I give a sharp nod. And then he's taking off for my apartment.


By the time I reach my front door, I'm sweating and panting, shivering from who knows what.

The door is still locked when I turn the handle, a soft light coming from down the hall.

Ava comes walking into the kitchen, completely oblivious to me standing here. Probably because she doesn't have her hearing aids in.

I flick the lights to let her know I'm here, and she jumps, hastily putting her ears in.

"Ava? What's wrong? With Liam?" I'm practically ripping my hair out at how calm she is.

Ava frowns, glancing down the hall before understanding dawns on her. "Nothings wrong. He just didn't want to go to bed without Rhys or you to tuck him in."

My mouth opens and closes, my head fucking clouded. "So why did Liam call me from your phone? Crying?"

"He did what? I didn't think he was that upset about it. I went to shower and oh- his Thomas The Train pjs were in the washer so I told him he can't wear them tonight. He was having a meltdown after that. Must have been really tired."

I close my eyes, fisting my hands. I thought his Dad found him and Ava-

"Yeah. Must have been really tired if he was crying like that." I whisper, feeling so fucking exhausted all the sudden.

Ava comes over to me, her hair in tight braids. "Maeve?" She rubs my shoulders, concern written all over her features.

"Yep. I'm great." I say, my voice tight.

Absolutely. Fucking. Great.

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