Chapter 48 - Met Again

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Felicia's mortal heart raced as she tried to keep up with Mocha's boundless energy in the bustling market. It was as if she was chasing a wild child through a maze of people and stalls, her eyes darting from left to right to catch a glimpse of his flurried movements. Mocha's excitement was infectious, but it also made him a blur of motion, moving faster than Felicia could keep up with.

She weaved through the throngs of people, her breaths coming in quick gasps as she tried to keep pace with the little ball of energy ahead of her. The werecat's speed and agility were tremendous.

"Can you slow down? We had plenty of time!" She panted, being a mortal was tough.

"I thought you told me to hurry!" Said Mocha, with a smile on his face, he rushed through the crowd and explored more of the market, like the traveler he used to be.

As if the crowds were getting dense with each step, digging further through the long alley of the bustling market. It wondered the creator, how long has it been since she felt such a rush? Her cloak billowed behind her as she ran, caught in the wind's playful embrace while chasing after Mocha. Her heart raced, and beads of sweat trickled down her face. The rush of euphoria engulfed her as she weaved through the crowd, determined not to lose sight of Mocha, her top priority.

For half a millennium, she has resided in a world of her own, accomplishing feats that appeared beyond reach. While joy held a special place in her heart, to maintain her sanity, it always slipped away too soon. In moments of solitude, she couldn't muster the same feelings as when surrounded by others.

The creator had ventured beyond the limits of imagination, indulging in her insatiable craving for creativity and fulfillment. But, alas, inanimate objects could never breathe life. The touch of a living being, the sound of their response, the scent of their presence - these were elusive treasures that eluded her as a mere creator. A genuine human connection was what she truly yearned for, after all.

The effects were distinct.

Drowned by her vivacious thoughts, the perception came with no mercy. In the midst of the people, she lost him. Felicia stood in the bricky path, mortals passed through and ignoring her existence. Her eyes were glued to the spot where her mind flashed the last time she saw him.

Was it forbidden for her to feel joyful? For when she does, calamity seems to return her way with a vengeance.

Despite the precarious circumstances, she did not succumb to panic. The creator, she was aware of the pin, fastening at Mocha's cloak at that minute. Behind the luxurious gold material lies a tracking device once she gave in to the mansion before the chaos of adventure erupted. In this manner, she was able to locate him effortlessly.

"Lost your boy, Felicity?"

A bone-chilling shiver reverberated through the creator's spine, echoing like thunder in her ears. As if frozen in time, her muscular body became immobile. She recognized all too intimately the haunting voice that beckoned her. It was the voice of the traitor, the one who had shattered her era, staining her name. The scent of disgrace and evil permeated the air, suffocating her senses.

The one who made her into a raging monster.

The redhead recalled her words in Sylvia's office, played over and over in her mind, fueling her desire for wrath.

"I'll kill her myself."

All that mattered now was surrendering to the grudge she held within, but she wouldn't just yet.


With a deep breath, she turned around to face the source of her disgust. The face that greeted her was twisted into a sneer, but Felicia refused to let it rattle her. She met the gaze head-on, her resolve unshakable.

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