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A Week Later

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One thing doing this Egyptian tour has taught me is that you can be the greatest king, queen or politician, and you can change the world with policies and movements, make historical changes or be beloved by the people alive all you like, but if history wants you erased, you will be.

The Egyptians took us around all the historical sites Kai could've wanted to see: the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, Luxor temple, Hatshepsut's Temple, Karnak Temple, Abu Simbel, and, of course, Valley of the Kings. Every place we went, the security was doubled, people stopped, offered their love – and some hate – and we got exclusive tours of everything. They even took us to a few modern sites like Cairo University, and we did a traditional felucca ride along the Nile and went to dinner with a Nubian family.

The whole trip, I've hidden the oncoming morning sickness. Weirdly, diet lemonade has been keeping it at bay – something that didn't work with Emma – so I keep sipping it now and again. Each member of our security team is carrying a bottle for me in case I run out. We've had to tell them the good news so they know how to look after us while we're out here, but no one beyond them knows yet, including our families. It's been difficult not to tell Dad, Annie or Patrick, but we plan on getting a scan when we get home and telling them then.

We're currently standing in the Egyptian museum with our security for the second time.

"What gets me," I whisper to Kai. "Is that they tried to wipe out both Akhenaten when Tutankhamun ascended, but then, when Tut died, they tried to take him out of history. Why did they keep trying to erase history?"

Kai puts his hand in mine – a royal protocol we've been breaking recently, but conveniently, no one says a thing about it. "Because they basically each tried to get Egypt to follow a different religion from the other. Aten was the religion – or cult – based around the sun, while Amun was the traditional religion. That's why you see the different endings to the pharaoh's names. Because Aten brought discord amongst Egypt, they struck it from the record."

I nod, thinking it through. "It's amazing how animated you get about this."

He grins as we approach the Tutankhamun room. It's completely guarded, mass security, and no phones or videos are allowed inside. I can feel Kai's excitement forcing his hands to shake in mine. This is his element, and given the excitement that oozed when he spoke to the Egyptian government, I think our relations will get on perfectly when we ascend. They even mentioned a tour of Tutankhamun's treasures soon, and letting England be the first to host.

The guards clear the current tourists out so we can go in.

"Will they let them back in?" I ask.

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