Chapter 30

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Christmas. It's always been a difficult holiday for me.

I can now admit as soon as the Christmas lights start going up and people start flashing off their fake trees, that's when I'm at my lowest.

I never really had a Christmas tree when I was younger. I didn't get all those fancy lights and big presents, never got to see any of those classic Christmas movies everyone talks about.

The only tree I ever had was when Maeve and I were around fourteen and our school happened to be getting rid of a box of Christmas decorations, which we took.

It had lights and garland and even a tree. Maeve and I were so happy. We set it up in my house since my parents didn't care what the hell I did as long as I didn't get in their way and it was magnificent.

It feels weird to call a tree magnificent but that's the only word that comes to mind. It was four feet tall with built in lights and even came with an angel on top.

That was our best Christmas ever. We bought each other two presents and opened them with a glass of cheap eggnog.

So, this year for Christmas the three of us went all out and got a real tree and set it up in Maeve's apartment since Can and Mike already set up the fake one in ours.

"Rhys, I can't reach." Liam whines, trying to jump to the top of the seven foot tree. I chuckle.

"Here. Hop on then." I kneel down so he can climb onto my shoulders, wrapping my arms around his legs so I can make sure he doesn't topple over.

I hand him the star, glancing over to Maeve who's lying on the couch, curled up into a ball with a cup of tea as she watches us.

She's on the second day of her period (I know because I keep an app on my phone that tracks it) and I can tell she's trying to put on a happy face for Liam as we decorate.

"Maeve! Come help!" Liam shouts, wiggling like he's trying to jump to Maeve from my shoulders.

Maeve smiles but it's forced, dragging herself off the couch and practically wincing with every step.

I put Liam down to go stand beside her, wrapping my arm around her waist when she stumbles just slightly. I know her second to fourth day is always the worst for her but for some reason, this cycle seems more brutal.

"Maeve? Why don't you sit down and I'll run out and get some supplies for you." I rest my hands on her shoulders as I tilt my head down towards hers so we're eye level.

She sighs, closing her eyes. "You have practice in twenty minutes, Rhys. You should have already been there."

I shrug. "And? You're so much more important than practice."

Her eyes spring open, narrowing into their usual scowl. "And what about your scholarship, hmm? You can't lose that."

"I'm not going to lose my scholarship over one day of missed practice. I also let Coach and Noah know weeks ago."

"Weeks ago?"

I smile softly. "Your periods are super fucking regular. Always have been. So I knew when to take the day off."

Her face softens at that, the crinkle in her nose vanishing which then contorts into pain. She grips my forearm. "Thank you. For staying home."

I hum, guiding her to the couch and letting her sit down at her own pace as she keeps a killer grip on my arm.

Liam is still dancing away to the Christmas music that drums lightly through the apartment, garland and tinsel all over the floor.

Maeve grunts in pain when I hand her the ibuprofen, rolling over onto her right sight.

I hesitate because I know she'll probably not want to talk about it. "And you're sure I can't help you find an away to get back on birth control? I-I thought it helped with the pain."

She shifts into a sitting position, dragging me down beside her so she can shift again and use my lap as a pillow. I run my hands through her silky hair.

"It did but after Dad sold them, I stopped taking them so it didn't give him another reason to do whatever he was doing with them. And-I don't know. Is it weird to say I'm scared to start taking them again?"

Her admission floors me but I don't let her see that. "No. If you did ever want to start taking them again, I wouldn't let something like that happen ever again. But it's one hundred percent your choice."

I've seen the list of warnings for taking that fucking pill. It's crazy that one single pill to prevent pain and stop ovulation-I think that's what it's called-has a warning list almost as tall as me. That's the fucking shitty part.

She swallows nervously, her eyes tracking Liam around the room. "I actually looked into having a hysterectomy once. But I knew you've always wanted kids so I... waited."

Waited for me to come back, is what she's trying to say.

I kiss her knuckles. "Liam's all I ever need. So please don't think you have to have our kids. There are other ways if we ever do want kids down the line but I'm happy just the way it is."

Her head slowly raises off my lap and even thought it's a tough conversation, I'm glad she's opening up to me more about what she wants.

Olive eyes meet mine in a frantic search, shining bright with tears when she realizes I'm not lying. "And if I ever did end up having a hysterectomy? You'd be totally okay with it?"

I shrug like it's obvious. "Yes. Because it would be your choice. I'd be waiting for you in the hospital with fucking flowers and chocolate. And Liam of course-"

I'm interrupted when her lips find mine, needy and searching. I startle but lean back into the couch so she can melt into me if she starts to cramp.

"I love you so god damn much, Rhys Beckett." Maeve exclaims, peppering my face with kisses, all the way from my neck to my nose and then up to my hairline.

"I love you, Maeve Leigh-Foster."

She pauses, her button nose scrunching in disgust. "One day, I'm taking your last name. I would love to be a Beckett. Along with Liam."

I trail my hand up her back and cup her cheek, kissing her own nose until it relaxes. "Of course. Maeve and Liam Beckett. I love it."


Note from author

Hi guys! Hope you're enjoying the book, which I believe most of you are from all the comments I scroll through.

I just thought I should let you guys know about the next few chapters after this. The next three-five chapters (chapters 31-35/36) can be hard to read.

The chapters listed above include things like graphic physical abuse from parent, graphic description of blood, broken bones and long hospital stays.

So please, PLEASE, if you are NOT comfortable with any of these subjects and possibly more like them, take a second and decide if you want to carry on. I will be posting on both insta and wattpad when the chapters aren't as gory or as triggering but please put yourself first.

Thank you,

Rayne Reeds🤍

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