❄️Hello Butterflies❄️

31 6 4

Creativity: 15/15

This is why I appreciate certain people who do fan fiction, who are BTS, and this is. Why is the creativity of this story what I enjoyed? It did not feel like it was a fan fiction. It felt like a realistic story about high school students, new students, and finding your way. So many people forget that with fan fiction, even if they're making famous people. Realistic and making them into high school students are making them struggle in life, etc. They still need to make it seem like they are normal people, and some people are obsessed with that and that. The thing that I don't like about it when it comes to fan fiction. Now, on a positive note. I am so happy that this author did not do that the way they did it. It was so creative and interesting that it dragged you in and made you want to continue to read the story. And that's what I can appreciate because it was something that I enjoyed.

Originality: 10/15

It differs from an original story, but I docked points because it's cliche, like the whole wanting to protect the person. I've read that so many times, and I get it. You want a very strong, protective male character, but you could have even done something a little different, such as making it look like they started off as a really good friend. And then, as time went on. He got a sense of being overprotective of that person. But at the end of the day, the originality is still there because you made him a person, And that's something I appreciate again.

Storytelling:15 /15

Now, this is where it gets really interesting, and what I love about this story. The way that the author does the. Storytelling. This intrigued me because you don't get the sense that you're just seeing it from 1 point of view, like one character per se. When I read it, I feel like I get to interact with all the characters, as if the storytelling opens a world for everybody to be a part of. And I love storytelling like that because you really get to feel each character's emotions and what they are going through. And to me, that's really good storytelling and really good writing. This author did it to the point where you could feel what it felt like to be different or to feel like you don't belong, but you also had this beautiful group of friends that were enticing—and trying to get you to be part of their group. So you got all the emotions, and it was really good.

Character:15 /15

Now, this is what I love to do. Characters do develop very well. It's not just a high school story. You can see that the characters are going through it when it comes to storytelling, even when it's writing a story. You definitely want your characters to always progress. You don't want to feel like your characters are bland or that they are not going to progress because, at the end of the day, every story has a struggling character, even if it's just one character. Struggling with this author. You can tell that the way they made the story characters all had some struggles, and they were developed at a very good pace. So once again, once again, I appreciate the author because they made characters that had flaws, and because they have flaws, they would develop very beautifully throughout the story.

Story Flows: 15/15

The story had no errors: sentence structure or grammar mistakes.

Cover Design: 15/15

I do find that the cover represents the story very well.

Final Thoughts: 10/10

It's the end of the day, and the way that the author wrote the story was phenomenal. I wish there were more chapters to read because I got involved with this story and wanted to know what would happen next, but seeing that this seems like a starter story. That it's just a fresh story. The author is trying to scoop out to see how they deal with it. I find that the author did a phenomenal job with fan fiction, seeing that I'm not a big fan of fan fiction, because I feel like a lot of people are obsessed to the point that they forget that they're writing famous people as normal people. And they always obsess about them to the point that they have to put themselves into the story. I'm not a big fan fiction person, and it's not saying that there aren't really good fan fiction stories out there because there are. But I've been reviewing it for a long time, and I feel like a lot of people are just very obsessive. When it comes to fan fiction, I. Personally, I find that the way that this author did it was at a very good pace, and they did it so that it wasn't a cliche all the way. It wasn't like he fell in love with somebody and that somebody was me, or they did not obsess over the BTS. They made them a great person. They made them into the story and incorporated everything as if it were everyday life. To me, this author needs to be praised for how they did their fanfiction because they did it the way a fanfiction should be written. Many people. Those who are doing fan fiction could learn from this author. This story needs to be recognized, and it needs the love that it deserves because you can tell by writing the story that the author put their heart and soul into it. So, thank you for letting me review a beautiful story.

Chapters I read:2

Total points:95

Summary of the book:

It's about some transferred students coming to Seoul National University and having their weird yet intense and indelible encounter which will unfold the mysterious dark stories anyone can think of.


Remember that these are, in fact, my thoughts and only mine alone. You do not have to like them or agree with them in any way. But because they are my thoughts, they are final, which means they cannot be swayed or changed in any way. If you do decide to disagree with my thoughts and attack me directly in the comments or DM, I will block you and add you to a block list. Therefore, never reviewing your work ever again.



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