Chapter Six

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At supper time, Oskar realized he would either have to leave Dorthee in his quarters or introduce her to his parents. Filled with uncertainty, he made the decision to bring her along. She would be hungry, like he was.

"My advice to you during supper," he said as the pair made their way to the grand dining room. "Take your time, savor each bite. Each course is timed and there is a short reprieve before the next dish is brought. If you cannot finish something, leave it on the plate. And should anyone speak to you, be polite but know that you do not need to answer questions you are uncomfortable with. I will do my best to direct the conversation."

Dorthee nodded, but based on the way she clung to his arm, Oskar knew she was nervous. He placed his free hand over hers, which held his right elbow.

"Erasmus will be there as well."

"Will he be as well mannered as he was earlier?" Dorthee asked as they paused in front of the double-doorway.

"If we have additional guests dining with us," Oskar replied, nodding to the pair of doormen.

The doorman pushed the double-doors open, revealing the long dining table with places set for ten. The king and queen stood to one side, speaking with one of the guests. Oskar saw a particular young woman standing next to Erasmus and though his feet continued forward, he felt frozen. The smirk on his brother's face when they joined the group made the younger prince nervous.

Mousy-brown curly hair cascaded down her shoulders, with strands at the front carefully pulled back to reveal a youthful face. Shining hazel eyes stared back at him with thoughtfulness. Sprinkled around the nose, beneath her eyes and covering her cheekbones were light beauty marks; prominent and characteristic. This was the face of Lady Christine of the Crayfords.

Her dress left the top of her shoulders uncovered, held by only delicate, laced fabric which flowed down to a deep neckline. The waist of the dress was a narrow, snug fit corset of an iridescent shade of blue and gray. Some might call the fashion ostentatious, but the style suited the young woman.

"Lady Christine," Erasmus said, motioning a hand toward Oskar. "You remember Prince Oskar, my younger brother?"

"Your Highness," the girl said as she bowed her head. "It is a pleasure to see you again."

"The honor is mine," Oskar replied and offered a small smile. "Are you here with your parents, this time?"

"With my father, yes... Will you not introduce me to your intended?"


"His Royal Highness said you were privately introducing your intended tonight," Christine smiled at Dorthee. "A lovely surprise, indeed."

"That is..." Oskar was about to correct the assumption, but then he saw Erasmus shake his head. "It is not really a surprise if my brother shares the news before I do."

What was Erasmus thinking?

"I could not help myself," the elder prince chuckled, giving Oskar a knowing look. "Loose lips I have, little brother."

Oskar felt Dorthee tighten her hand around his arm. She was not pleased either. The younger prince thought about it and while he did not appreciate Erasmus sharing a rumor about them. However, if Dorthee were truly his intended, Oskar could see himself with her as more than friends.

"If you will excuse us," Oskar said as he led Dorthee away. Then he lowered his voice and whispered, "He takes our situation too far. Say the word and I will find you safe passage to another kingdom. I will take of everything and-"

"One step at a time," Dorthee whispered back, shaking her head. "No, I do not like that he is spreading falsehoods... How do we correct the information?"

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