❄️Default Title - I Accept The ❤❤ Conditions Of Love ❤❤❄️

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Creativity: 15/15

The way that the author does this story is remarkable. Now let me explain why I say that creativity is one thing, but also because of how they do it; I've read stories dealing with friendships. However, the way that this author did it took it to the next level.

Originality: 10/15

I can definitely say that this is definitely original when it comes to how long they went without talking. Now is it 100 percent original? I can say no to that one. And the reason I say that is because I've read a lot of different stories dealing with friendships and love. and things like that. But this one takes a different toll on it and a different narrative. I want to say because the way that they do it is unique. The friendship is unique and the obstacles that they're going through and the changes that they are going through is definitely different than what I'm used to.

Storytelling:10 /15

Storytelling is something that really makes me I don't want to say it makes me angry, but it makes me kind of. confused. And the reason I'm kind of confused about this storytelling is not that it's not a good storytelling, but I feel like the way that it is. you get the storytelling aspect of it, but it's like it jumps so far. Like you don't really get the concept of why they fell out until like the 3rd chapter. Like, I feel like in this. story somewhere before you get to the part where they are getting a hug or whatnot, even a small description of why? Why did they fall out? Why had it been 14 years? Like, why so long That is where I feel the storytelling lacks But besides that, it is very interesting and the storytelling I feel is through her eyes and you can really see how she shifted and changed. as she. got older.

Character: 10/15

Chapters that I read, you can definitely tell that there was some character development and some character growth, but not a lot to really see the growth like it's about friendship. And I get that. But still, even though it is about friendship, you still need to have your characters grow. With this, you can see that the girl has grown some and she is very confused when the guy comes up and behind her and hugs her. And you can see that the friendship has shifted to where they're not. really best friends anymore. And she has so many questions. I want to see his growth. I want to see why he is the way he is. What made him decide to come back after 14 years and see. his growth. in the first three chapters, you really don't see the growth as much, but I still appreciated it at the characters.

Story Flows: 5/15

There is a lot of structure that needs to be. edited when it comes to the flow of the story. A lot of the sentences sound. off like they're missing some stuff they don't flow very well. So when you're reading it off your tongue and even if your silent reading, there is some senses that are just so clingy, that's not the word off putting. That's the word that are. off putting and need grammar correction or even sentence instruction correction. Because at the end of the day, the sentences are not as smooth as they could be.

Cover Design: 5/15

Though the cover is nice does not represent the story as it should. I feel like if they went for a different cover. it would really make the story pop more and more people would want to read it. I would say look up    redflower  they have done my covers, and they have amazing work. Even if you ask around there are people that are talented that will take on your cover.

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