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Taylor started working at The Beef to make ends meet while putting herself through culinary school, similarly to what Syd did driving for UPS. During her time at The Beef, she’d taken an interest in a certain tired eyed chef, who very quickly nicknamed her “turbo,” as a call to the breakneck pace she insisted she worked at. One thing led to another, and now that same tired eyed chef has moved in with her. 

Taylor collected her bottom lip between her teeth as she waited for her head chef to enter his office. It was time for her midterm performance meeting, and she had a few questions about post-grad life that she wanted to ask Chef as well. 

“Sorry for the delay.” Head Chef of the school, Scott Barnard, entered his office, taking a seat in his tall chair. 

“Not a problem.” Taylor smiled. 

Scott took an inhale and scrolled on his laptop for a moment, pulling up Taylor’s student file. His eyes scanned over the information before he shut the laptop and folded his hands over the table. “Taylor,” He began. “I know you’re wanting to talk about post grad careers, yes?” 

“Yes, Sir. I’m really intrigued by working in fine dining. Noma, really, would be amazing.” Taylor beamed. 

Scott tried his best to hold back a laugh. “Taylor, I pride myself on being honest.”

Taylor nodded along, unsure of where this conversation was about to head. “Yes, Sir. I appreciate that.” 

“That’s “chef,” to you.” Scott snapped. 

Taylor’s skin ran pale. It had never been “Chef” outside of the kitchen. Apparently until now. “Yes, Chef.” She repeated. 

“And honestly, Taylor, I know nine year olds that cook better than you.” Scott remarked. “I’m not one to tell you that you’ll never work in fine dining, but, you know, have you considered a career in a small, homey kind of restaurant?” 

His comment landed like a swift punch to the stomach, knocking all of Taylor’s air out of her lungs. “Chef, I came to school with this same goal, and I’ve been working towards it. I mean, I get the best marks in class.”

“Yes, you do. Not to say that you aren’t technically skilled, but you’re just…sloppy.” Scott continued. “Frankly, I think you’re on this path to spite your family.” 

Another punch, this one harder. Taylor had confided in Scott of her anxieties regarding her family’s opinions on her career path. She trusted him as her head chef and advisor to empathize with her, to understand where she was coming from. Now, to use it against her…Taylor didn’t know how to react. 

“I-I’ve always wanted this.” Taylor cleared her throat. “I do things to spite my family, yes, but not this. This is my life’s work, this is what sets my soul on fire. Chef, I want this career.”

Scott slid his laptop into his bag. “We all want things, Taylor.” He gave a dry smile. “Let’s try and consider other options, okay?” 

Taylor was then met with the slamming of the office door. “That’s it? That’s all you’re going to give me?” She asked aloud, even though Scott was already gone. 


“Hands! Let’s go!” Carmen yelled, over his shoulder. The dinner rush at The Beef was nothing short of hellacious, but everyone always knew that once they got through it they could enjoy family dinner together. 

Taylor was furiously slicing through loaves of bread, working at the speed she always did. However, tonight, her mind was elsewhere. 

“Chef!” Carmen’s voice broke her out of her mind. Taylor looked to her boyfriend, who was inches away from her face, his hand rapidly gesturing down to the loaf of bread she was slicing. “What the fuck are you doing?!” 

TURBO // carmen berzattoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें