Chapter Eight

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The queen's brunch was as smooth as warm tea on a sore throat. Conversation and company transpired as well as could be expected. And when the mid-morning meal was over, everyone moved to the queen's private parlor. A luxurious space with delicate furnishings all around and exquisite art pieces on the walls. 

Oskar watched his father engage Dorthee in conversation. He couldn't hear what either of them were saying; Father had led her to the other side of the room. His heart beat loud in his ear, pounding like a wardrum. What was he asking her? What would she tell him? More importantly, how would this affect the secret they had? 

"Your father seems to like the duchess," Mother said as she sat beside Oskar on the cushioned bench he occupied. "He mentioned wanting to learn more about her today... Where did you meet her, Oskar?" 

He took a breath, hoping to calm his anxious heart. 

"Outside the city walls," he explained, hoping his voice sounded calmer than he felt. "I was... walking around." 

It wasn't all a lie; Oskar was outside the city walls and he was walking around. 

"Did you have at least one guard with you?" the queen asked with a sigh. 

"No..." Oskar replied, shaking his head. 

"I am going to pretend your answer does not bother me." 

He chuckled and relaxed his shoulders. 

"I was careful," he went on as his mother reached for his hand. "Mother, I would never intentionally put myself in harm's way. I am very aware of my surroundings when I go out alone. And I go out because it is a chance to see something different."

"I know, my son," the queen said with a sigh. "Believe me, I do... I had a touch of wanderlust before I met your father. Perhaps my sons got their desire for adventure from me... Though I do think you are more like your father than your brother. You were always logically minded and rarely took actions without thinking it through." 

The way his mother spoke about the difference between him and Erasmus made him sigh in silent disappointment. Because he'd acted on impulse recently, without thinking his way through. 

"You took a step into the future before I could speak to you," Mother went on, squeezing Oskar's fingers before releasing them. "All I wanted to share was my desire to see you happy with a stable future." 

Oskar smiled, "I know." 

"What about Dorthee's family? Her parents?" 

His smile fell as he replied, "She doesn't like to talk about them... but she is alone in this world." 

The queen frowned as she turned to look at where Dorthee and the king stood. Oskar followed her gaze and his smile returned when he realized Dorthee was watching him. She smiled and returned her gaze to the king. 

"You will have to publicly court her for three months," the queen went on, drawing Oskar's attention away from the finely dressed girl. 

"Royal protocol," Oskar mumbled, groaning inwardly at his forgetfulness. "That would mean parading her around the kingdom... Unless-" 

"Unless your brother announces an engagement of his own," Mother said, sighing loudly. "Which you and I both know is not any time soon. However, I have spoken to the courtiers and some of the mothers have eligible daughters. Erasmus could meet his future queen at tonight's ball." 

Oskar chuckled, "The speed you have when it comes to planning a party." 

Truthfully, he was impressed. His mother had planned a brunch and a ball in a matter of hours. 

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