Chapter Ten

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It was late in the evening when Oskar was finally called to his mother's chambers. His throat tightened as he entered the doorway. His mother, father and brother were sitting at the tea table with watching eyes. Oskar tried to read his twin's expression, but Erasmus averted his gaze. 

"Oskar," said Father as he motioned a hand to the empty chair. 

The younger prince held his breath, as if the lack of oxygen might slow the rapid beating of his heart. He sat in the chair and pressed his mouth tightly closed. 

"Your mother tells me you have something you would like to share," the king went on, clasping his hands together around his knee, which was crossed over his other leg. "She has told me minor details and I have heard your brother's side of the story... There was a gentleman here who hoped to receive an audience with the Throne. However, I have been asked to postpone the meeting until I have heard what you have to say." 

Oskar met his father's gaze before glancing at his mother and then at Erasmus. Again, his brother avoided his gaze. 

The younger prince recounted his story, for what he hoped would be the final time, and spared no detail. With no reactions from his twin, Oskar wondered if Erasmus had been reprimanded for his part in all of this. If he had, it was possible the elder prince knew what was about to happen. 

"I should have been made aware of your actions and concerns," the king said after hearing Oskar speak. "I cannot pretend you have not put yourself in a serious situation. There are laws to which even you must abide... Your intentions may have come from goodwill, but son... This is a predicament." 

All Oskar could do was nod and listen. He looked at his hands as the heat of shame rose in his chest. 

"The crown cannot show favoritism, my son," Father went on as he glanced at his eldest son. "And the irony is your situation is not the worst thing we are handling tonight." 

As Oskar watched his brother's face turn the color of fresh raspberries, his own shame melted like a frozen lake at the start of spring. 

"What-" Oskar's sentence was cut off by his father clearing his throat. 

"Explanations will be given tomorrow," he said with a sigh. "For now, Oskar, I will look into your findings at Fernsworth." 

The king rose to his feet, an expression of aggravation and disappointment, and offered the queen his hand. Mother accepted the assist, as she too rose to her feet, and the royal pair left the princes alone. 

"What did you do?" Oskar asked when he heard the door lock in place. "Answer me, brother." 

Erasmus pursed his lips with a side-eyed glance. 

"Remember when I told Dorthee I'd lost my ring in the same place she'd found it?" he asked, finally looking Oskar in the eye. 

"Yes," Oskar replied, crossing his arms. 

"A certain young lady and I went swimming and partook in activities that should have been saved for a wedding night-" 

"Are you having a laugh, Erasmus!? Is that why you were so eager to help me? Cover up your situation by making mine more obvious..." Oskar trailed off and rose to his feet as a realization hit him. "You told me everything that would go wrong if things didn't go to plan... Punishments that would happen to you if our parents learned about-" he waved at his brother while searching for the right word, "-your misbehavior. Congratulations, my prince. It is not just our lives in question, but Dorthee as well." 

Dorthee would receive punishment as well. He felt it in his bones. He had been angry with his brother before, but fury was new to Oskar. Shaking his head as he turned to leave. 

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