Chapter 50 - Old Friend's Visits

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As the incantation reached its climax, a series of intricate sigils etched themselves onto the ground, forming a magical circle that pulsed with a faint, otherworldly light. Leaves that had long since fallen from the trees rustled and stirred in a sudden breeze, swirling around the circle.

As the last of the sigils took shape, a sudden rush of green steam erupted from the center of the circle, sizzling and crackling as it coiled around a tall, imposing man.

Danial exhaled as he stepped out of the portal, which shut immediately after teleportation. He looked around, noticing the eerie forest even, in daylight.

"Aren't you worried?" Said Harrison.

"I am." Danial glanced at his assistant, his fingers tapping on his desk anxiously.

"Then go. See her." Suggested the immortal man who was leaning on the door.

Since the bounty had been announced by Sylvia, the sorcerer was left uneasy. He kept reminiscing. Thinking about the creator, looking back at the memories that they had created. He recalled the memories he had shared at the creator's side, wondering if they would ever reunite. Even after a long 500 years, he had hoped for a warm embrace, not the shock of finding his best friend as a wanted criminal with a hefty price on her head.

He wondered, his mind consumed by the question of why such things could happen. This never-ending life, was an unjust burden.

"I have eyes on my, Harrison. I can't simply go out wandering and meet her somewhere."

"I'll cover you up, how 'bout that?" Harrison shrugged.

With hopeful eyes, Danial heaved a sigh in agreement.

Calmly, Danial walked further into the hearts of the forest. His emerald eyes were cackling with magic. With the aid of his sorcery, he managed to pinpoint her realm. Her isolation world.

Once he came to a halt, the sorcerer did not waste any time. With a wave of his arm, emerald crystals sprout from the ground surrounding him, their viridescent magic crackling in the air. Green trails of light emitted from his outstretched arms, the sorcerer's immense power on full display. With his hand gripping an invisible grasp, he tried to pull with all his might, forcing open the gate to Felicia's realm.

With his immense strength, he expanded the realm in all directions. His hands were shaking as he began to stretch them, like tearing a piece of fabric. His cackling eyes saw what was beyond the realm, a crimson-red world.

Danial hastily got inside, with one foot and the other, Felicia's realm was too strong, it threatened to close, as if Danial had validated its law and physics. Yet, he refused to give in, understanding that if he did, he would only become partially immersed in the dimension, leaving his lower body behind in blood.

At last, his presence finally entered, his body began to numb due to the preternatural atmosphere. He had a minor headache, but he shook it off.

Danial sauntered through the abandoned construction site, his gaze shifting from side to side, taking in the eerie surroundings. The empty, unfinished buildings towered over him, casting long, dark shadows as he walked closer to the forest. When he do, the trees were draped in scarlet, and they swayed gently in the wind, as if whispering secrets to each other. 

With a sense of curiosity, Danial continued towards the mountain, where Felicia's mansion was nestled. He couldn't help but wonder why she had chosen such a peculiar way to construct her hidden world. The abandoned construction site and the red forest seemed out of place, and unusual.

As he made his way up to the stairs, Danial's thoughts raced.  What was Felicia's motive for building her realm in such an unconventional way? 

He couldn't wait to find out.

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