Imagine 21: Twist Of Fate🧡

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requested by Zoeris1983

Pairing: Flower demon! Y/N x Alastor

*summary: One day while Alastor is walking around Hell, he finds a baby girl in the dumpster. Not having the heart to leave her behind, he takes her back to the hotel to care for her. But he'll need a little help from Y/N, which makes everyone else think that the baby girl, Y/N and Alastor look like a nice family*😉

*Alastor's POV*

Out of boredom, Alastor decided that a nice stroll through Hell's streets would do some good to fulfill his rather wasted time. So, after announcing that he would be out for perhaps an hour or two, he left, twirling his staff while whistling a static and quite jolly tune that used to play on the radio a lot when he was a young lad. 

Upon walking the streets for up to half an hour, he began to enter the quite crowded part of Pentagram city. A fun little fact, Alastor is able to walk on Hell's streets while his eyes are shut. Reasons why? Well, for one, he has this entire part of the city memorized, and two, he doesn't fear about bumping into anyone, because they all run away when they catch sight of Alastor. 

It's a little fun, to be honest! Alastor can't help but feel amused. 

During his stroll, Alastor suddenly hears the faint cry of what appears to be...a baby? Stopping, Alastor turns, staring down the dark alleyway where he can hear cry. How...odd. It's not normal to hear a baby cry in Hell. It isn't even COMMON for babies to be in Hell, most sinners down here have either been neutered or spayed, to avoid mass over populating. Though there have been accounts of some sinners who somehow avoided that and had children. Mostly imps. 

Curious, Alastor stops his humming, his boots making a loud clink sound as he walks into the alleyway's darkness, scanning his surroundings for wherever this sound may be coming from. The closer he neared the garbage can to the left of him...the louder it got. 

Extending a hand--and with a tilt of his head--he lifts the lid of the garbage, and to his shock, he finds a small baby, it's skin color a pale complexion, while its eyes seem to glow red with black pupils, much like his. 

Tears stain the child's blushing face as it continues to cry, and hesitantly, Alastor reaches out to touch the little hand of the baby. The moment his finger touched the child's hand, it's crying began to lessen, as its eyes stared up into Alastor's.

Alastor's lip's part. Who could do such a horrendous crime?! That is low--even though this IS Hell, this is unacceptable behavior. 

Gently, he picks the child up, cradling it to his chest as soft as he physical could, before his eyes notice the little stitching on the child's. rag blanket. 


His brow furrows. The baby's name is Emma? In conclusion, the baby is a girl. Alastor stares at her for another moment longer, debating what he should even do with her. He can't just leave her here; she would be swallowed up by the next demon sinner who finds her! Yes, Alastor is a serial killer, but even HE has his limits. And that is children. 

He would never hurt a child; he was too much of a momma's boy to do that. 

Hence why, he opens his coat slightly to tuck the baby underneath, that way she doesn't catch a chill--and that Alastor isn't seen holding a child, his reputation would be a stake!--and begins to walk towards the direction of the hotel. 

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