Chapter 36

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‼️this chapter contains a sexually explicit scene. please don't read if that makes you uncomfortable.


"You need to stop doing that." I grit out, slapping Rhys's hand away from my thigh.

He looks over, a cocky grin on his face. "Stop doing what? Ooh, you meant this."

He runs his hand down my leg again, teasing me when his fingers graze my inner thighs. I clench them together.

"Stop it. I mean it. Or you're going to have to do something about it." I whine, wiggling on the couch.

"I mean...I could do something about it."

After almost a week of begging, Liam went and spent tonight at Noah and Allie's for New years. He brought every truck he owned along with homemade treats we made for Leo.

Ava is also out of town for figure skating so she should be back tomorrow night.

I swallow, resisting the urge to adjust more. "Rhys..."

He grins, his lips pressing against mine. "Maeve..."

I groan, frustrated when he starts peppering kisses behind my ear and down my throat, inching back up to nibble on my ear.

"I hate you so much." I moan.

His chuckle vibrate against me, sending shivers through my body. "Then hate me so much you can't breathe when I'm not around."

"I already do." Because when he's not around, then I don't know what love is. He taught me that. What love feels like. What loving someone feels like.

So yes. I love him so much that when he's not around, I'm drowning. Gasping for air. Sinking until he pulls me back up.

His hand grazes my side, tickling my ribs. "Are you okay? Does this hurt?"

Despite the bruising, my chest feels great besides twinges here and there when I twist funny or breath too deeply. I shake my head. "Perfectly fine."

He nods, his hand continuing to glide across my skin until he's met with the waistband of my pj shorts, his eyes meeting mine waiting-a question written clearly. With my good arm, I hook it around his neck, pulling him down to my lips.

"Are you sure you want to be doing this with your shoulder? I know it's been a few weeks but you're still in the sling and healing. I don't want to mess that up." He mumbles against me, still toying with the string of my shorts.

"I promise there's no pain anymore. And if there is, I'll tell you right away."

"You promise, Nova? I really don't wanna hurt you." Right now, he looks like that scared sixteen year old boy, humming with excitement but so goddamn worried about me.

"I promise. We don't have to do anything tonight if you don't want. We can just fool around or watch a movie."

As much as I want this, it's not all about me. If he's uncomfortable, then we stop. That's that. If he's worried he'll hurt me with my shoulder still in a sling, then we don't continue. It's that easy.

"Let me at least move you to the bed, for gods sake. Then I can prop a pillow under your shoulder and hopefully that will help." He counters, need and want desperately shining through his voice.

He scoops me up, trailing down the hall, using his foot to open and kick the door shut behind us.

As much as I hate it, my stomach flutters when he places his hand on my back, easing me gently down onto our bed. He leans over me, hovering.

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