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"[NAME]! ARE YOU DONE?" Isagi Yoichi calls out after putting on his sneakers, sitting on his home's genkan*. He stares up the stairs, looking to see if his younger sister will come down. "We're gonna miss the train!" He eyes the stairs a bit longer before looking back at his shoes again.

"Yocchan, you're leaving already? You just came back." Iyo Isagi, their mother, asks as she approaches him.

"Only for a bit. I'm gonna go have fun with some friends. Just waiting on [Name]." Yoichi says casually.

"I'm here!"

The two turn their eyes to [Name] as she rushes over, adjusting her bag and ready to go. "Sorry for the wait. Let's not miss that train, Yoi-nii!"

He smiles, stands up, and pats her head. "See you later, Mom."

"Have a good day you two!"


As Yoichi and [Name] make their way to the train station, he glances at her with a playful grin. "So, [Name], tell me. How's life been treating you since I've been in BlueLock?"

[Name] chuckles, "Oh, you know, the usual. Surviving your absence, barely."

Yoichi raises an eyebrow, "Barely surviving? I thought you'd be throwing parties without me."

She nudges him, "Yeah, sadly the invitations got lost in the mail."

He laughs, "Woooow. But seriously, anything exciting happening?"

[Name] nods, "Yeah, I got involved in this community project. Helping out at the local animal shelter."

Yoichi smirks, "Ah, playing with puppies to fill the void I left. Classic [Name]."

Rolling her eyes, [Name] counters, "Come on, Nii! They're adorable, and it's for a good cause."

As they approach the train platform, Yoichi teases, "Did you become a dog whisperer while I was away?"

[Name] grins, "Maybe I did. It's a hidden talent. Did you become the best striker yet?"

"Gonna be!"

The train arrives, and they hop on, continuing their banter as they settle into their seats, looking forward to a day of catching up and fun with friends.

Yoichi looks back at his sister as she gets seated next to him. "Now, the big question, sis." His face becomes serious. "Spill it. Did you get a boyfriend."

[Name] smirks, enjoying this, "Yep! Did you know Tada-chan confessed the day you left? Romantic, right?"

His expression turns blank, "What."

She recounts the scene with a small embarrassed blush, "Love letter, soccer ball trail, flowers... the whole deal."

Yoichi feigns enthusiasm, "Oh...I see..." His fist clenches in disgust. "I'm so happy for you and your...boyfriend."

[Name] sees this and laughs, "Relax, Nii-chan. I'm kidding. I turned him down."

"So it's a joke." His face lights up, mood doing a complete 180, "Well, that's perfect! No boyfriends until you're thirty, got it?" He smiles.

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