3.1|If 1995 was Different|

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"I have decided to work in Gujrat. I will work at Mani Sir Hospital because it's the best here," Anupama says. "Why? You wanted to go to Mumbai," Anuj says. "I changed my mind. I want to stay here with Uncle and Aunty," Anupama says. "How can you change your mind? You have been talking about going to Mumbai for your internship since you entered medical college," Anuj says.

"How is it your business what I do?" Anupama asks. "What do you mean how is it my business? I am your husband," He says to her in a stern voice. Anupama had never seen this side of him before. He was visibly upset. "I didn't marry you, so you can sacrifice your dreams or plans to stay here with my parents. They don't need to be babysat. Do you need her here?" Anuj looked at his parents.

"Nope, not at all," they said quickly. "You are intimidating them. Stop being so annoying," She says to him. "Am I intimidating you?" Anuj asks his parents. "Not at all," his mother says. "You are. See, I am not making any sacrifice. Devika has also gotten an internship in one of the best law firms here, and it's close to the hospital I chose. I want to be close to my family," Anupama says.

"Is anyone pressuring you? See, if it's because your mom said you should stay with your in-laws. I will go and speak to her by myself and convince her. My parents will do whatever I want. You can still go to Mumbai," Anuj says, holding her hands. His voice went calm. "I don't make decisions based on what my mom said. I truly want to stay here," Anupama says.

"It's final then," Anuj says. He let go of her hands and went to his room. Anupama excused herself also. "This is the most that I have seen them talk in the five months they have been married," Malvika says. "On one hand, your brother goes everywhere acting like an angry young man, and Anu is also stubborn," Gayatri says.


"Anuj has left for America. Won't you miss him?" Devika asks. "No," Anupama says. "You are not interested in trying to make your marriage work," Devika says. "I don't love him, and he is younger than me," Anupama says. "Do you think that divorce is going to be any better?" Devika asks. "I don't know. I will take a while to decide that," Anupama says.

"How are your in-laws?" Devika asks. "They are so nice. Even nicer than my mom to me at times. I like living with them," Anupama says. "Don't get too used to them because it will hurt when you get divorced," Devika says.


December 21st 1995

"Why do you never write to me in your letters?" Anupama asks. "As if you care about me," Anuj says. "I would like to know if I have been widowed or not," Anupama says. Anuj gave her a side-eye. "Respect your elder," She smacked his arm. "Only when you start respecting me as your husband," Anuj says. "I am going to divorce you soon," Anupama says.

"So divorce me...," Anuj says. She rolled her eyes. "Why are you in haste to divorce? I thought you said you married me because you loved me," She says, pulling his collar. Her mother walked past, and she let go of his collar. She didn't want to get a speech. "And so what if I love you?" Anuj asks. She scoffed. "How is your internship going?" Anuj asks.

"Ha, it's going so well. Right now, I am on gynaecology rotation, but I think I enjoyed neurology better," Anupama says. "Ha, if you make a lot of money from neuro, I will get a high alimony when we divorce," Anuj says. "You will collect money from me. You are the one doing your masters in America. I am going to ask for a big amount," Anupama says.

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