Chapter 51 - A Talk Over Tea

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With a sudden jolt, Felicia sprang out of bed, her heart racing with the palpable sensation of an immortal presence. She scrambled off her tangled blanket, not bothering to tidy herself. Her mind was in disarray, filled with the overwhelming fear of an intruder, an unwanted trespasser who had invaded her world. Without a moment's hesitation, she teleported to the door.

Before even her rough hand opened the door, it knocked. She peeked through the peephole. Panic consumed her, and it was written all over her face.

No, it can't be.

How did he know?

How did he get here?

Is he going to hurt Mocha again?

Felicia's shaky hand twisted the doorknob. She had no chance left, her mind was left blank. She couldn't just leave him outside and not respond to the sorcerer, who knows what he might do? With a mortal Mocha inside her home, she wouldn't take any risk.

The door finally opened, revealing the sorcerer within. Their eyes locked, and Danial could only stare at her messy state. His emerald eyes dragged up and down, scrutinizing the creator.

"Was I... too early?" He asked.

Felicia blinked at his question, as she didn't expect a friendly Danial after all that happened between them.

"No." She cleared her throat. "Not at all... I slept late last night." Clarified the creator, her hand began to rub the back of her neck.

"I see," He nodded.



The two immortals stood motionless, staring at each other. They both struggled to articulate their thoughts, their words remained trapped in their throats. The awkwardness embarrassed the creator, she did not know what to say. Danial's presence was so sudden, being in front of her doorstep in her world in the morning, without any notice or heads up for her to prepare herself.

Although, Felicia's mind never failed to remember the fight, tormenting herself with her past actions. No matter how she tried to push the memories away, they relentlessly resurfaced, reminding her of the worst thing that had ever happened in her life.

She couldn't escape the piercing ache of guilt. She remembered the look of betrayal in her best friend's eyes, the anguish that twisted his features. She remembered how she was so selfish, giving up on her desire to be powerful to the point she hurt everyone around her.

Isolating wasn't enough, her past kept finding ways to bother her again. Just like her current situation right now. The creator could only stare at his face, keeping a blank expression to cover up her agonizing thoughts.

"I... did miss you," Danial said, stepping closer to Felicia. "I... I just..." His hands slowly extended forward.

"Whoa, Dan- Danial?" Felicia tried to back off, but it was too late to do so. She was enveloped in Danial's strong arms. The sorcerer hugged her tightly, as if he never wanted to let go. Felicia cringed at the touch, it felt awkward. Pushing away would be rude, it was her fault after all.

How could she leave him until he was in this, desperate state?

"Uhuh, how did you get here?" Questioned the creator, she demanded an answer. Her realm was trespassed by immortal, even though it was her best friend. She wondered if her realm had become vulnerable, or weakened as the time passed by.

"I am a sorcerer, Fel. I know my ways." Said Danial, he nuzzled his head into Felicia's neck.

Of course, who was she kidding? Danial was now the number one, and he had likely gotten stronger, just like in their previous fight. Felicia could have predicted that being at the top would give him unlimited access to anything he wanted, including knowledge from all-knowing Sylvia. It was clear that this advantage would give him the upper hand, including his ways to get into one's realm.

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