-(Tom) Summer Sweetheart

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-*Ring-ring* my alarm rung as I got up to turn it off while being half awake. Just in case you didn't know me and my family are going on a summer vacation today and I have to wake up early because I still needed to pack and get some other stuff ready because I didn't do that last night because I was to lazy and we needed to leave at 7am since our flight was at 9am.

-"gosh I hate waking up early." I thought to myself while trying to look for my light switch. When I finally found it I hissed because of the dryness of my eyes.

-I went over to my bathroom and turning on the heater for my shower because I hated going somewhere and not showering. Then I went to my sink and brushed my teeth. Then after going to the shower.

Time skip👃🏻

-I finally finished my shower and then went to my sink and started doing my skincare because yk I barely get any sleep and these bags needed to go.

-after doing skincare I went over to my dresser and just grabbed under and some sweats because I didn't need to look fancy if I'm just gonna sleep in the whole ride.

Time skip

-I started to pack some clothes, socks, underwear, shoes, bikinis and pj's. Then shortly after my hygiene products.

-after doing those stuff I went and downstairs and ate breakfast.

-"how's your waffles dear?" My father asked me. "It's really good, thanks for making them." I replied back and seeing my father looked very proud of his cooking.

Time skip

-we took a cab going to the airport since my father's car is on the repair shop. Then after it we arrived.

Time skip

-we finally arrived at our destination the Maldives and it was super nice here and I knew that I was going to have the time of my life here.

-after arriving at our hotel resort I was met of the smell of vanilla which was my favorite scent, like don't get me wrong who doesn't like the scent of vanilla?

-we walked over the reception area and I saw the MOST handsome and tall guy and other stuff you name it. I stared at the guy full of lust not wanting to look away when I was snapped back to reality and heard a "hello?" I looked at the guy and realized he was looking at me.

-"I'm sorry I didn't mean to look at you!" I said covering my face because I felt my cheeks go red. "It's okay." Said by Mr. Handsome. "What's your name?" He asked. "Y/n, how about you?" I asked the same question. "Tom, its nice seeing you here y/n" Tom said smiling and oh my gosh I felt like melting from his smile but kept my cool because I didn't want to look weird around a guy like him.

-"y/n, let's go." My mom said then shortly me and Tom said our goodbyes. Oh I hoped on seeing him again.

Time skip

-it was dinner and my parents thought that we should go out on a fancy dinner. So I decided to wear a gold-ish satin dress. And a pair of matching heels to go with the outfit.

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