Chapter 13

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Optimus sat up and stretched as he woke up. He felt Megatrons arms still around him, making him smile a bit. He picked Volt up and set him in Megatrons arms as he got up and walked out of his room.

Not to his surprise but Ratchet was all ready at the monitors. "Morning old friend" Ratchet looked away for a second to look at prime then back to the monitors. "Looks like you had a good recharge" Prime gave a small chuckle as he walked over to him.

"That I did" Optimus looked over Ratchet's shoulder to see if there was anything. But once he saw nothing he turned at walked away. "Optimus where was Megatron I didn't see him go into his room" Optimus stoped, he forgot about that.

"I don't know, but I'll go and look for him" He didn't wait for Ratchets answer he just made his way back to his room. Megatron was still in recharge with there sparkling peacefully still in his arms. He smiled a bit and sat down on foot of there berth.
Megatron stirred and sat up yawning. "Morning"

"Morning to you to" He moved Volt so he could still sleep. He pulled Optimus close to him and gave him a quick kiss before laying on his lap. "Ratchet was wondering were you where, he didn't see you go into your room. He's always a worried bot" Megatron gave a small nod letting out another yawn.

"Well maybe it wasn't the best idea to go to bed before everyone else" Optimus gave a small nod, looking down at his mate that's resting on his lap. Volt stated to wake up as well, and of coarse as soon as he woke up he was pretty much bouncing off the walls. "Can I go and see if Bumble Bees up!?"

They both gave a small nod as they watched there sparkling run out of the room to go and find Bee. "I don't know we're he gets all this energy from"

"I couldn't tell you" Optimus said shifting to lean against the wall so he's a little more comfortable. "It's kinda nice not fighting you for once and just living" Optimus nodded his agreement.

They just talked for a little bit and had alone time before they would have to leave there room and go to the others. But just as they were about to get up and leave Arcee came knocking his three door. "Optimus we might have a little problem"

He looked at Megatron with a raised optic as he shifted Megatron off him and walked to the door. "What seems to be the problem?" Arcee hesitated not knowing how he would react. "It seems that Volt has gone missing" Optimus was standing there in shock for a second.

"What do you mean gone!?" Megatron asked already off the berth and right behind Optimus. Arcee was confused for a second but that was something for another day. "Ratchet heard him come down the hall but after it quoted down he started to look for him and realize he was nowhere in the base"

Megatron let out a low growl, and Optimus was standing there still a little surprised from what he just heard. Arcee glared at Megatron because she though he was growing at Optimus and her, but in reality he was just worried for his sparkling. "Me and Megatron will go and look for him, the rest of you stay here and see if you can find his signal, if you don't find it within an hour or two go out and start looking as well"

Arcee gave a curt nod then went off to go and tell the others what Optimus just told her. As soon as she was out of view Optimus let out a worried breath. Megatron was going to say something but Optimus had all ready started to make his way to the exit of the base.

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