chapter 2

18 1 4

Taegan's POV

"Your sure, you will be okay? Do you want me to call Aunt Betha? Maybe she can move in for some days till we return"

Here she is in it again.

"Momm! Relax and go enjoy your trip. I am fully capable of taking care of this house all by myself. I am not a babyy anymore!" I state. For god knows how much more time will she keep saying this, when it was her idea for me to take care of this house on the first place.

"Awww babbyy. I just can't believe, my little girl is not sooo little anymore!" She says all teary eyed while caressing my face while i roll my eyes at her "Mom, i am not Sarang. Save this for her"

"Nessa, come on. We are getting late" My dad's voice makes my mother stop hugging me tightly and squeezing me like a orange juice. My dad steps forward and gives me a smile as he embraces me in his warm hug while i hug him back tightly. This is the only place in the world, I feel safe and comfort. This is my hero. My superhero. They say heroes will sacrifice you for the world, villains will sacrifice the world for you. But dads, they sacrifice themselves for saving you. At least my dad wouldn't hesitate without blinking. From childhood, he always has motivated me and encouraged me. He taught me to go defenseless when it always came to dignity.

"Take care of yourself. Don't stress yourself too much with those accounts book. Have fun" He looks me in the eye and smiles, "but not too much fun, though" I chuckle at his words as he gives me a pat on the shoulder and take their suitcases out of the house and place it one by one in the car.

They settle in the car. My dad on the driver's seat while mom on the passenger seat.

"HAPPY JOURNEY!" I wave and smile at them.

They wave back at me and within seconds they drive off. To Thailand. And here i am again.

 All Alone

 My sister and i have 11 years of age difference. That's the reason that when i started to grow up as a proper girl, during my early growing up stages, she went off to university in Canada and there she met my her husband and got married soon after. Of course we fight, we share stuff and mock each other like normal sisters would. But with her, it seems like our time is always limited. With time, she has distanced herself from this family. My mother on the other hand, always used to be outside for her work related stuff. We are close but my father's closer. I spend most of my time with him and he is the one to give me that title of 'daddy's princess' and why not? My daddy always treats me like a proper princess. 

With them gone now, this house, echoes calm silence and peace. Of course, i like being an introvert. That's the reason i have selective friends and i am invisible for most of the people in school. I don't even know any popular people from school or attended any clubs. I am happy all alone with a book in hand and grazing the sun, sitting on the campus garden. But sometimes it feels weird. What if everyone leaves me and i am left all alone??

I brush these random thoughts from my mind. Now's the time to refresh myself and do some accounting. That's right! My classmates does refer to me as the accounting pro. I love accounting more than anything. Solving and fixing budgets gives me relive. A stuff i used to admire my father doing, growing up. Before sitting to study, i decide to send a text to Naressa. Let's see if she is still sulking like a 3 year old baby or not.

 Taegan : Wakie, wakie!! How's my favourite person doing??

Her text greets me within a few seconds.

Naressa : I AM NOT YOUR FAVOURITE PERSON! You would have come to music fest tomorrow, if i really was! (sulks emoji)

Taegan : Looks like your still angry. You wasted my precious letter and a paper!

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