Chapter 3

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Trevor's POV

The conversation i had with principal Rodrigo at his room, was enough to state i was having a bad day. My team lines in the changing room and eyes me with tensed and curious looks, plastered to their faces as i pace back and forth the entire room.

"For fuck's sake! i am not your parent that you guys make a mistake and i am the one who gets scolded and schooled in your fucking behalf every single time!" I state, glancing at Cyrus and Mario with intense heat and rage in my eyes.

"Evans, calm down. They made a mistake. It won't happen again" Christian Morris, my good friend and vice-captain of the cricket team comes and stand beside me, putting a hand in my shoulder, consoling me.

"I don't need fucking consolation right now, Morris. I need results! One mistake and this team would be over before we can blink! 4 months. That's all he gave us." That's all he gave me. If i don't perform good in accounting by the end of this semester, it's all over for me. For my dreams and my goals. I exhale a deep breath and look at my team members " I want you to get this thing clear and straight inside your head. From today onwards, fucking consider every single one here as your friend. Your brother. They are not your rivals. It's the opposite team we are completing and playing against. Cricket is all about team spirit and teamwork. If you can't have the courtesy to do that, you are most welcome to quit. The door's there. Get that?" I convey, pointing at the door and everyone stiffen at my harsh words. The guys flinch and nod their head, lowering their gazes.

"I NEED WORDS!" I roar at them.

"YES CAPTAIN!" THEY roar back and I nod my head.

"You are dismissed for today."

Everyone nods their heads and starts to head towards the door, while some starts packing their bags.

However all that's running in my head is the name 'Taegan Davies' Who's this girl? Would she really be the key to the success? If she's really Mr. Philips's student up to his standards, i need her help. She's the only one who can save my reputation and dignity. She can help me holding my position that's on state. 

I notice Morris who's packing his bag with his water bottle and jersey clothes. Maybe he can help me reach this girl.

"Morris. A word." I clear my throat and went to stand beside him as the last person of the team, beside us exited.

"Yes of course. What's the matter?" Morris look at me with confusement flashing in his hazel eyes.

"I need to find a certain girl. Maybe you can help me in finding her?"

"A girl? what girl"

"Someone called Taegan.

"Taegan? Never heard of anyone as such from our class before" he says shrugging

"Well she's not from our class. If she was, i would have known. She's Mr. Philip's accounting pro as far as i know. I need to talk to her regarding an accounting paper"

"Oh. Well i guess if she's not from our class, she's a junior. And i am sorry, i don't have much information regarding juniors. Why don't you try talking to Varol? He is a social butterfly to the core. Your brother is the one who can help you in this"

Well that's the last option i want to choose. I would rather find this girl myself than asking about her info from Varol. He's the last person. Such a pain in the ass, that brother of mine is. Always smiling and engaging in activities. And that mouth of his doesn't stop for a single second i guess. Such a chatterbox he is.

"Very well. I would look into this myself. Thanks" I Smile at Morris who returns it back and head towards the exit.

Taegan Davies, which grade are you even in?

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