Chapter 5

19 1 7

Trevor's POV

We reach home in the span of 20 minutes. Thanks to my brilliant driving skills.

 Varol's my cousin. His mom and my mom are biological sisters. I mean Aunt Hannah is such a sweetheart and look at her monkey type son. I sometimes wonder if he is really adopted or not because these genes surely couldn't be Aunt Hannah's and judging my Uncle Fredrick's strict and firm expression always, he is definately adopted.

Good for me. No one was home. My mom and dad had to attend a gala party this evening and were away. Nothing new. They were always busy and being the only child I didn't had much company most of the time.

I place a glass of lemonade in front of Varol who's sitting in the bar stool in front of me, in the kitchen, with a mug of beer in hand as I glare at Varol who's eyeing me innocently.

"Why are you eyeing me like that?" He asks in his most innocent best tone which makes me more annoyed at him.

"BECAUSE" I raise my tone while his eyes widen. I exhale and try to calm myself down. Dealing with this idiot was something i should be awarded for. Too bad we can choose friends but not relatives. "Taegan. Ring a bell, now?" I ask raising a brow at him while his face relaxes hearing that. What? Did he think i  was about to sue him for 10000 dollars or what?

"OH! The girl, who's being running in your head since yesterday. Good thing. I thought you were planning to send me to the supreme court due to the alcohol scene at the fest" Varol chuckles as he sucks the straw, drinking the lemonade.

"You never know. I might as well, if i don't receive what i want about Taegan Davies in the next 1 minute. I shrug, taking a sip of beer. Varol stiffens and in a nervous tone replies, "I don't want trouble. Of course i did research on her. After all, my best brother in the world needed my help" 

"I am the only brother you have got. You are the only child." I reply back to him coldly as he sulks, hearing this.

"Well so are you"

"I need information, Varol"

"OHH YESSS! So per my research, Taegan Davies is known as the accounting pro in not only her grade but around the whole school. She's MR.Philips's favourite student and completes all his assignments on time. Or should i say completes every teacher's assignments on time. She's the perfect example of disipline with beauty in her class"

I wonder how much pretty she would actually be though. NOOOO TREVOR. Not down that road again. I clear my throat as Varol continues.

"........and her family's well off. Her father's a real estate owner and a famous former Batminton player. Her mother is also a board member in one of a prestigious collage. A collage i guess she most certainly would apply after graduating from this school. She has a elder sister and she is married to a korean man who moved from Korea to Los Angeles only for her sister. Also Taegan loves her 5 year old niece a lot. They are very close and she is often seen picking her up from kindergarden. She is very close to her father though. She is bought up being a Princess by her father. Although she has a humble personality and always helps out people in need. she has 2 best friends, only. Naressa Ivors and Adelaide Gomes. She loves reading books a lot. But she is a total level introvert. I mean she interacts with people very less and does not socialize much or should i say, at all!"

I hear every single detail about Taegan with concentrate. Looks like I judged Taegan quicker than i imagined.  First when i heard she was Adelaide's friend, i thought of her having the same persona. I guess she's much more than that. I nod my head and then glance back at Varol.

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