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4 Weeks Later

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"What's going on?" Kai demands as I lead him through the front door. He's blindfolded, so he doesn't see what's happening until just the right moment. It's weird blindfolding a king, even if it is so he doesn't get to have a ruined surprise.

"You'll see; shush and trust me," I say.

"I do trust you, Peach—"

"That's Queen Peach to you," I joke. "Shut up and just follow me."

"Yes, ma'am!"

I open the door to the door of the cottage. Since we became king and queen, we've moved out of Frogmore Cottage and into the palace full-time. At the moment, we're not needed in London until the weekend for Kai's birthday celebrations, so we're in Windsor for a private celebration.

Patrick and Gemma have moved to a small house around Windsor so they can have a base around us. Patrick managed to finally get a job in the local hospital while Gemma's given up her job and is now our nanny for Emma full time – paid, much to her distaste. Because of that, Annie and Dad finally packed up and moved to Windsor as well. While Kai has to move around more than me, I stay in Windsor more than he does, so we're all together.

I lead Kai through to what was our old dining room and is now his mum and dad's. It's so weird seeing the place I had as a first house on the palace grounds used for the people I've sort of taken over from. They've had it redecorated, and it looks different to how Kai and I had it.

I stop Kai at the doorway while everyone moves out and stands to welcome him. "Okay, you can take the blindfold off now."

He removes the blindfold and we all cheer. "Happy birthday!"

Kai laughs and shakes his head. "This is... wow, thank you."

Gemma puts Emma on the floor so she can toddle over to her dad. Kai immediately scoops her up and kisses her head.

"When did you organise this?" he asks me.

"I have my ways, Your Majesty." I glance around the room at the small gathering I pulled together. Both his parents, his uncle, aunt and cousins, plus my parents, Patrick and Gemma and his personal security.

"This is amazing," Kai whispers as he eyes over the little buffet we got put together. He laughs when he spots the punnet of peaches. "Of course, and the peaches."

I grin. "They're your favourite fruit, after all."

He kisses my forehead. "You're amazing."

Hugh walks over slowly, using his cane. "Kai, my son." He attempts a slow bow.

"Dad, don't be stupid," Kai says. "You never bow to me. How're you feeling?"

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