Chapter 52 - Troublesome Friend

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Back in the Eternal Afiat, Sarah returned. The announcement about Felicia's bounty had spread wide like breaking news. While the others chase after the creator, the physic mage was willing to defend.

That was what she thought at first.

But utmost, she needed to see her boyfriend first. To clarify things to the chief of security himself.

"I don't know what to do with her." Sarah sighed, her arms hugging herself with worry, her mind was perplexed.

"I... Very much would like to help. But she was stubborn as a mule." Arthur crossed his arms, leaning himself across the wall. "We've already given her a second chance, she denied it like trash."

"Don't you think Sylvia's ruling was a bit harsh?" Sarah lifted her head, eyes looking at Arthur's stern face.

"No, I find it perfectly fine."

"But, Arthur..."

"The corrupt is something we need to not be involved in. Verily, bad consequences could happen." He clarified.

"But, it's Felicia..." She cut him off, gently. "She had done so much for our community, our kind. Shouldn't she be at least, forgiven?"

"Rules are rules, Sarah."

Sarah sat quietly on the table, feeling a sense of solitude even though Arthur was in the room with her. She was deep in thought, contemplating whether defending the creator was even worth it. Her mind was filled with doubts and uncertainties, and she couldn't help but wonder if she should just let things be.

Sarah had hoped that her lover would come to her aid and help her clear things up, but unfortunately, things didn't go as she had planned. She felt disappointed and frustrated, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that she was all alone in this. Despite her inner turmoil, Sarah remained silent, not wanting to cause any further trouble.

"I had to admit, she was... Great." Arthur spoke.

Suddenly, Sarah was taken aback by the sudden shift in the mood of his boyfriend. Ears perked up at the word, Sarah carefully listened to his words. The gaze on her boyfriend softened, as if he was letting his barrier down.

"I somewhat strive to be like her. I know my powers... Weren't so unique. I've figured that if I train hard enough I would be the top."


"I admit that she's done so much for the mortals as a creator. Even when she does it for praise or fame." He scoffed.

"You know she was pure before, she was genuine. Until..." Sarah corrected him. No, Felicia must be genuine, she knew her better.

"Until the healer, I know, Sarah." He said. "But some things happen, and it's up to us to choose to fall or stand."

"She didn't choose to fall." Sarah's icy eyes narrowed.

"I don't care, I only want you to be safe." Arthur walked to her, approaching closely.

"Sylvia already wanted you for committing collusion." He leaned closer, his finger caressing her cheek.

Sarah noticed the worry behind his golden eyes, she couldn't help but think that he was right. Her lover was the protector of his kind, the Chief of Security. All wise decisions of safety coming out from his mouth were best to follow.

Sarah stood at a crossroads, her heart torn between two paths. On one side lay her lover, Arthur, urging her to abandon her friend Felicia, who he claimed was corrupted and beyond saving. On the other side stood Felicia, her best friend, who was in desperate need of help. If Sarah chose to stand by Felicia, she risked being judged and condemned for aiding a perceived evil. But if she followed Arthur's advice, she would be betraying her friend, just like the evil healer who had once abandoned Felicia.

"Felicia would do nothing to harm me." She muttered.

"Really?" An eyebrow raised from Arthur.

"Of course."

"So the tank throwing wasn't an act of harm?" The chief asked sternly. He stood straight, looking down on the physic mage. A judging look etched on his face.

"How... How did you know?" Sarah was taken aback, she remembered that he hadn't uttered a word to Arthur about her first meeting with the Creator. Nothing about her throwing a tank was even mentioned.

"Sylvia knows everything."

Sarah rolled her eyes, in disbelief. "What is she? A god now?" She spat.

"Don't behave in such a manner, for I shan't have you follow the same fate as your friend." Arthur said.

"Felicia has a man to calm her down." She shifted her gaze to the window, looking at the busy metropolis out there. The sudden thought of the sunshine cat who tamed Felicia suddenly crossed her mind. She was a bit hesitant to bring it up, but by any chance of using it to help Felicia, she would do it.

"You mean a lad with an alias of Mocha?"

"Does Sylvia tell you this too? I bet." It was Sarah's turn to cross arms.

"Yes, we all know. And I'm quite surprised that she didn't ripped his heart out yet."

"Do you know what he is?"

"Unfortunately not yet. Sylvia shall figure it out."

"Ugh, Sylvia this Sylvia that." Sarah groaned.

"She's our leader, Sarah. Why are you so upset about her."

"She put a bounty on my friend's head!" She shouted, tears almost forming in her icy eyes.

Arthur was taken aback by the sudden outburst, her words echoing loudly in the room. Despite his surprise, he managed to keep a calm demeanor, not wanting to further escalate the situation. The chief himself took a few steps back and averted his gaze, hoping that his actions would help ease the tension in the room.

The mage suddenly realized that she had gone too far and couldn't get herself to utter a word. She looked at Arthur, who was now dressed in a simple black pants and a long-sleeved t-shirt, which he always wore under his golden armor. He appeared remarkably strong, both with and without his armor.

They both remained quiet for a while.

"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell." Sarah jumped off the table after she calmed down, approaching her beloved boyfriend. "I'm just..." She cupped his cheek, her lips didn't finish her words as much as she needed to.

"I understand you're upset, but I work under her. My position is very important for us, for our kind." The chief melted into her touch. "And I can't risk anything, it's for your own good."

"I just want to keep you safe." His brought his hand to hers gently, kissing the palm of the mage's skilled hand where she wield the telekinesis power.

"I know," Sarah muttered as she pulled him into an embrace.

"Do you know how many souls Felicity Irene has reaped?" Arthur asked, his hand raked into her dual-colored hair.

Startled by the questions, she looked up to his face. "No..."

"Thousands," Arthur replied.

Sarah wished her ears didn't catch up on the words, she wished he'd lied. But the golden eyes behind the cascading white hair were dead staring into hers. Truth was untold, Sarah couldn't even twist the painful truth into a beautiful lie.

"No... She wouldn't do that..." Sarah retorted.

"Yet, she did."

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