Chapter 9

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Taegan's POV

The following week passed with the blink of an eye. There was no sight of Trevor though. I tried to make sure that I could notice him somewhere. In his friend groups. I even asked some of his friends, who didn't know who I was so that later it didn't create a problem that I was asking for him. I looked for him in the cafeteria but there was no sign of him. Also from that night text, he didn't text me. It's been 7 days, soon to be 8. Where was this Trevor Evans?! Not that I am counting but did the earth swallow him or something?!

Today was our economics test. The paper went well. I am sorting my backpack and putting my stationary  stuff back on the bag from the desk when I am approached by a familiar guy.

Mario have his backpack clutched by his side, and is smiling at me warmly while I return his smile back.

"Hey Tae. What's up?" He asks in a polite manner. Mario is one of the closest male friends I have. Well I guess he is the only male friend I have. The rest of the people in our class are too bossy and arrogant or they have something that made me choose not to interact with them because they have tried and then they got rejected from me. After that they distanced themselves from me and gave me title of 'cold bitch'

Well If i need to be a bitch, not to interact with sloppy people like you......then gladly.

"Hi mario. Nothing much. I am just leaving." I answer, continuing to drop the items from my desk to my bagpack.

"Well if you are free after, how about we hang out for a while. I don't have after school practice today" Mario conveys with hopes dropping from his eyes.

Mario is in the school's cricket team. He is an excellent batsman and bowler. In short, a total all rounder. Here's the thing about Mario, even being part of the cricket team, he has zero arrogance and is soo humble. He is a gentleman and that's the reason he's one of my very close male best friends. I give a puppy sad eyes to Mario. "Owww. I am sorry, Mario. I would have loved to but Carol called me up this morning. Hoon had to go to a client meeting and she is busy in her office so I am the one who needs to pick up Sarang from her preschool"

Mario nods his head and gives me a smile " It's okay. I love how you care for your niece though. Might as well get a best aunt award by the end of the year" He chuckles concluding the sentence.

"Yeah right! Nominate me" I smile at him. 

"Are you sure Sarang is not an excuse to not hang out with me though?" Mario raises a brow at me which makes me rolls my eyes and he chuckles. I give him a small slap at his arm while he fake pretends to get hurt. "Stop pretending, Scum" Then we start laughing  as I take my bagpack and head out of the classroom.

"See you tomorrow then. Finals are coming. I know you are going to ace like always but there are some average brain people like us, who need to put their head in the books the entire day to pass" Mario speaks as we come in front of the school entrance.

"I am sure you are going to get good marks though" I give him a thumbs up as he smiles sheeplessly.

"Did you bring your car?" he asks.

"Yeah" I say as I pull the car keys out from my bagpack. He nods at me and then puts his hands on his jean's pockets. "Call me if you need me. Drive save"

Saying this he waves at me and leaves to get his car from the other side of the parking. While i sit in my hot red Audi and start the engine and off we Sarang!

Trevor's POV


I turn around hearing her voice. I am sitting in the from reception area of my her school. I smile as I stand up seeing my mother smiling at me as she walked towards me as she comes and pulls me into a hug.

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