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She was overqualified, but working at the warehouse was perfect for Jo. It fitted around her training. Jo had been bodybuilding for the last eight years and was now twenty-four. She was hoping that if she placed well in this competition. It would then take her to the nationals, and her bodybuilding career was starting to take off.
Jo was happy with the news she got during her morning workout. Her coach said she was on target with her gains and on the right track for her next competition. If she kept this up, she would easily get her national ticket.  What a great day, she thought.

It was until she received a text informing her of a shift change at the warehouse. Jo started to put her kit away. She felt a wave of gloom came over her when she had to leave the sanctuary of the gym for work, but unfortunately, needs must.

Short notice shift changes and being in on a Sunday meant good news for her bank account, but it was so dull. She didn't know much about the manager she would be working with, but there were rumours that Kevin Offord was a little strange. Jo choose to make her own mind up.

"Morning, Mr Offord," said Jo as she clocked in to start her shift.

"Morning, erm, ahh yes, Joanne," said Kevin, looking down his clipboard. Jo thought that was a little strange as he requested this. He must know who she is.

"What's on the agenda today? asked Jo

"Today, Jo, we are helping move a few things around the office," said Kevin

"Is'nt there an estates team to do that?" enquired Jo

"You are being paid good money to be in today, Joanne. We will film a health and safety training video for new staff about moving things and safety in the workplace. You were selected to appear in it," explained Kevin quite sharply.

"I don't think it's in my contract to be filmed. What do you mean Selected?" questioned Jo

"Yes, erm at random. I can cancel it if you don't want the double time," said Kevin angrily.

"No, it's ok, I'm here now. What is this video about? asked Jo

"Lifting practices, a guide to health & safety" replied Kevin.

"Can you remove your hoodie, please? It's not company-issued, so you cannot wear it," ordered Kevin.

"Okay, I guess. I'll go and change. I thought, as it was a Sunday, it wouldn't matter," explained Jo and went to the ladies' locker room to change.

Jo returned but felt a little self-conscious. Usually, when her muscular arms were on show, it attracted uneducated and usually rude, ignorant responses. She was proud of her body but never got used to the varied comments, and nobody knew at work that Jo was a bodybuilder. She always wore baggy clothing, which hid her muscular physique.

Kevin stood there staring at Jo's arms in a way which Jo found unsettling. He stared away for too long. It was much longer than the average person who hadn't seen a muscle woman before would stare.

"So," Jo interrupted his gaze.

"Yes, Jo, where was I? Ahh, yes, the film's first part is about how to move your desk." Kevin was setting up the camera.

"Do you think you can lift the desk? Asked Kevin.

"I've never really tried," said Jo

"Well, it looks like you can with those muscles!" said Kevin

Jo awkwardly stood at the side of the standard-sized office desk, clamping her hands on the wood's edge. Jo quickly and easily lifted the desk several inches off the ground. Some items slid along the desk due to the gradient at which it was now.

"Great! Great lifting," whispered Kevin

"This isn't exactly hard?" Jo couldn't figure out why Kevin was getting too excited for a lifting video.

"Lift it higher!" ordered Kevin

"Higher?" questioned Jo. She thought this must be for the segment about how not to lift or lift too high.

Jo walked around to the opposite side where Kevin was directing and reached across, grabbing the edge of the desk just in front of where he was seated, and her left hand was nearer to herself. Jo then picked up the 6ft 30 odd kg desk off the floor.

"Is this high enough? I could go higher" Jo was unsure what Kevin wanted.

"Look at the wires." Kevin pointed to the PC cables, which were now starting to stretch. As Jo lifted the desk higher, he seemed excited.

"I reckon you could rip them out!" said Kevin.

Jo thought It was a strange thing for him to say.

"Just put the desk back down. Kevin picked up a clipboard and scribbled something down.

"Next!" he playfully yelled out.

"Go on, what's next," asked Jo intrigued.

"Well, next is the...erm..." Kevin was looking around.

"The bin!" he exclaimed.

"What?" Jo was laughing in disbelief.

"We need to demonstrate that some objects in the workplace are not as robust as people think. It's a fun part of the clip. I want you to pick up the bin and crush it!" Kevin demonstrated like a lousy mime artist.

"Crush a waste paper bin" Jo was surprised at the task.

"How am I supposed to do that?" asked Jo, who'd never done something like this before.

"Like I showed you in the mime. Use your arms and squash it," said Kevin.

Jo picked up the matt grey waste bin. It was empty. Jo held it in between her chest with her hands on either side. She gave it a test squeeze, and it started to crush without her putting in too much effort.

"Whoops!" Jo giggled.

Kevin's face was serious, his breathing to be faster and deeper.

"Okay, stop. And resume after three. Three, two, one...action!" announced Kevin

Jo took an intake of breath and pushed her powerful arms together. The metal started to fold and buckle as she began to crush the bin. Her arm muscles super tensed and flexed as the opposite sides of the bin met in the middle. Jo put the bin on the floor for a final crush and stomped on it a few times. It looked like a steamroller had run over it! The bin was nearly completely flat.

"That was great!" exclaimed Kevin in a shaky voice. His hands were trembling.

"Are you okay?" asked Jo

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