Chapter 11

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Trevor's POV

"Is there a problem going on in your family?"

I freeze hearing her. What? How the fuck does she know all this? Did mom.....Noo nooo. Mom seems to be the type, taking this secret to her grave. There's no freaking way she would discuss this with her. I clear my throat and ask in a stuttering tone "What do you mean? What are you talking about?"

" I saw your mother back in the classroom. She was sitting all alone and she....she looked upset" She concludes

"Well it must be the stress of the school and all" I say awkwardly looking away from her.

"Oh. That's what she also said" At least me and my mother lie perfectly. That's some genes I inherited from her.

"Okayy....I didn't want to intrude but you know, I was concerned" She finished giving me those pitiful eyes. Gosh, I hated those type of eyes the most. The one that showcases pity.

"Cool. Well I guess it's our first time meeting knowing each other properly" I give her a quick smile

"Ohhh...yeah. Yes it is. I didn't know I would get a text from the captain of the school cricket team" She chuckles softly.

"Well I did know I was texting the Accounting Scholar though" I wink at her while her cheeks get flushed.

"Te ves lindo cuando te sonrojas"  (you look cute when you blush)

"huh? Did you speak to me in Spanish again? what did you say?"

I shurg while smiling at her while she gives me a confused look

Just like that, we awkwardly stand at the empty room for quite a few seconds looking here and there with nothing slipping out of our mouth when Taegan finally decides to break the silence.

"Ummm. I guess I see you around then. Not here though. At school" She concludes hesitating which automatically brings a smile on my face. She has social anxiety. It's clear the way she reacts around people. I nod my head and then approach her for a hug when she extends a hand at me. Okay that's embarrasing. At the end, we decide to stick to the hand shake part while Taegan gives me a smile and leaves. She's cute when she behaves like this. Awkwardly. Her cheeks becomes this pink and she looks adorable.

The next day at school, It's chaotic. Coach made me run extra 20 laps for not informing and skipping practice for a whole week and currently I am sitting in the change room, exhausted and drinking water from my bottle when Ray enters the room, and makes his towards me.

"What's up, dude? Where did you vanish for 7 days?" He raises a brow at me.

"Well, I went on a trip with Buddy" I tell him as he settle down beside me in the long bench.

"For a week? Don't you know finals are coming?? Also did you find a clue about Taegan?" 

I smirk hearing this, as I stretch my arms " Well she's been taken care of. I bonded well with her. Girl thinks I like her. But little does she know, I don't like her body, I like her brain. I don't like her, I like the way she is good at accounting.  Remember? She's the one who's going to teach me accounting" I look at Ray and smile.

"Careful there. You are going to break the little introvert's heart" Ray talks with a firmness in his tone, now. I chuckle hearing this. " Well if getting her heart broken will make me get back the position and the team together......a little sacrifice wouldn't do any harm, would it now? I wink at Ray and smirk while he rolls his eyes at me.


The voice makes me go stiff. Ray also realizes the voice as he sighs deeply. I turn my head to the room's entrance to find a furious Mario Reyes standing and glaring at me. He charges up at me and eyes me up from head to toe. Fuck. Did he hear what we were talking??

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